Предмет: Другие предметы, автор: ukraine12331

30 Кенгуру хоче знайти шлях через зображений лабіринт вiд кружечка, позначеного словом старт>> до кружечка, позначеного словом «фiнiш». Рухатися можна лише горизонтально або вертикально і лише по білих кружечках. Кенгуру також потрібно пройти через усi бiлi кружечки рiвно один раз. Коли він досягне кружечка із позначкою X, яким буде його наступний крок? фiнiш
A: 1 Б: старт B: Г: Д: такого шляху немає​



Автор ответа: vlasenkoulana5


А .













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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ldi530784
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Gentle Giants of the Sea.
Blue whales are the biggest animals in the history of the earth – bigger than the largest dinosaurs.
An adult blue whale can be 30 metres long and weigh 180,000 kilos. Its tongue is the same size as
an elephant, and its heart is the same size as a small car.
When a blue whale is born, it is already very big. In fact, it is the same size and weight as an adult
hippo. Like all mammals, the baby blue whale drinks its mother's milk – about 400 litres every day. It
lives on milk for about six months, and in this time, its size and weight doubles.Blue whales are enormous, but they only eat tiny sea animals called "krill". An adult blue whale eats
more than 1,000 kilos of krill every day. Krill live deep in the water, so blue whales dive when they
are looking for food. Whales cannot breathe underwater, but they can swim underwater for a long
time. A whale can hold its breath for an hour.
The blue whale is not only the biggest animal in the world, it is also the loudest. The sound of the
aeroplane when it takes off is about 110 decibels. Some rock concerts are even louder: about 115
decibels. A blue whale can make a sound that is 150 decibels. The sound lasts for about 30
seconds. The sound of the blue whale is one of the strangest sounds in the ocean, and you can hear
it hundreds of kilometres away.
There are probably about 10,000 blue whales in the world today. That is only 1 % of the number
there were at the beginning of the 20th century. The reason for the disappearance of 99 % of blue
whales is hunting. The hunting of blue whales is now against the law, but these beautiful animals are
still in danger because of pollution and fishing nets.
А6. A blue whale is as big as an elephant.
1) true
2) false
3) Not stated
A7. When a blue whale is a baby it only drinks milk.
1) true
2) false
3) Not stated
A8. Krill live in the sea and eat only plankton.
1) true
2) false
3) Not stated
A9. Whales can stay underwater without breathing for five and a half hours.
1) true
2) false
3) Not stated
A10. Blue whales can make very loud noises.
1) true
2) false
3) Not stated
A11. Nowadays people can hunt blue whales, because it is allowed by the law.
2) false
3) Not stated
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: allagerasimuk999