Предмет: История, автор: arteminoromanov

«Встав пропущене слово»

1) На Лівобережжі було 10 полків, які поділялися на (….) Водночас на
внутрішнє життя (…) почали впливати (…) (…), які перебирали на себе
немало владних повноважень.

2) Вступаючи на посаду, (…) (…) підписав новий українсько-московський
договір – «(…) ( …)».

3) (…) сприяв перетворенню Києво-Могилянської колегії на (…)

4) (…) стала джерелом (…) і (…) ресурсів для відновлення воєнного
потенціалу Московії.

5) У (…) році під приводом допомоги королю Августу ІІ козаки Мазепи
вступили на (…).

6) Дізнавшись про вчинок І. Мазепи, цар (…) наказав зруйнувати місто (…), а
Мазепу оголосили (…).

7) У квітні (…) за наказом Петра І московські війська здійснили похід на (…)
та зруйнували (…) (…).


Автор ответа: dmitrijdenisov359


1) На Левобережье было 10 полков, которые разделились на сотни. В то же время на внутреннюю жизнь Левобережной Украины начала влиять московская администрация, которая взяла на себя большую власть.

2) Вступление в должность гетмана Ивана Мазепы, в 1687 году подписано новое украинско-московское соглашение – «Коломацкий договор».

3) Гетман Иван Скоропадский способствовал преобразованию Киево-Могилянской коллегии в академию.

4) Левобережная Украина стал источником финансовых и человеческих ресурсов для восстановления военного потенциала Московии.

5) В 1708 году, под предлогом помощи королю Августу II, вошли казаки Мазепы (около 3000 человек).

6) Узнав о деянии И. Мазепы, царь Петр I разрушить город Батурин, и Мазепа был объявлен изменником Родины.

7) В апреле 1709 года по приказу Петра I московские войска двинулись дальше (Сич) и уничтожен (Запорожский казачий регистр).

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: piskovskaaalena
I. Read the sample autobiography in exercise 5 on pages 33-34 and decide whether these statements are true or false.

(Прочитайте зразок автобіографії у вправі 5 на сторінках 33-34 підручника і вирішіть чи відповідають ці твердження змісту текста чи ні, відповіді запишіть)

1.The writer was born in June, 2000, in Noranda, Quebec.
2.Kids in the neighbourhood laughed at writer's poor command of English.
3.The writer could speak three languages: English, French and Ukrainian.
4.Ihor Ivanov started school when he was five years old.
5.While Ihor was at Booker Elementary, he won two awards for perfect attendance.
6.When Ihor was in grade eight , it so happened that he was in hospital for two months.
7.When Ihor has a bad day, he has someone here at school to talk to.
8.Ihor and his girlfriend were together for twenty-one days and then they broke up.
9.Ihor lives in Sarasota, Florida now.
10.Ihor wants to go to George Brown College in Instrumentation Technology after school.
11.Ihor says that his best times are with his family and friends.
12..He would like to see more of Canada.

Ex. 5, p. 33-34


I was born in June, 2000, in Kyiv, Ukraine. Our family, made up of my mother, father, and brother emigrated to Noranda, Quebec, when I was five years old. In Noranda I encountered my first, but not last, taste of shame when kids in the neighbourhood laughed at my poor command of English. But that made me stronger, I started to learn not onlyEnglish, but French as well. I became trilingual, speaking fluent French and English,as well as Ukrainian. In the process, I made new friends from a lot of different cultural backgrounds.

In a few years we moved to Sarasota, Florida, where my Dad got a well-paid job in one of the resorts. From my earliest days, I knew our family always struggled for every penny, so this appointment was of great importance to us.

My name is Ihor Ivanov. I started school when I was six years old. I went to the kindergarten at Booker Elementary. My father was rather hard on me. He used to say: “If a child does something wrong, he has to be told and punished, if necessary. If you keep letting him off and being soft on him, he’ll think he can get away with anything.” I triedmy best to behave well. So while I was at Booker Elementary, I won an award for perfectattendance. Then I attended Booker Middle School, and there I also won a couple of awards: one for perfect attendance and two for being named Student of the Year — one in the sixth grade and the other in the eighth grade. When I was in grade six, it so happened that I was in hospital for two months, and it changed my whole life. I realised that life is very precious. We should value every moment of it. I seriously took up playing guitar. I began to do photography, and joined the audiovisual club. I discovered that I was artistic with an interest in graphic art, although I didn’t always agree with the kind of art assignments the teacher gave us. However, I had no idea what to do after high school graduation. I am now a senior at Booker High School. I plan on finishing school, and as electronics is the wave of the future, I want to go to George Brown College in Instrumentation Technology.

Life to me means friends and family who you can trust and who trust you. I am pretty much on the happy side of life, but like all teens I do have my “days off”. That means I do have some sad days or depressed days. I have a few friends here and when I am having a bad day, I have someone here at school to talk to. I make my school days go by thinking of either the next hour or what I will do when I get home or on the weekend. I’m not seeing anyone now but when I did have a girlfriend, our favourite places to go were the movies and out to dinner. Sometimes we went to the beach. Only once we went to an amusement park: Universal Studios. We were together for twenty-nine days and then we broke up.

The year 2027 will make ten years since I graduate from high school. I think I will probably be living here in Sarasota. I will be quite comfortable with my living situation, meaning that I will concentrate on pursuing university studies. Then I will marry. We will have cute children and will be happy together forever.

As I said in the beginning I was born in Ukraine and moved first to Noranda, Quebec, then Sarasota, Florida. I would like to see more of the USA but, unfortunately, I don’t have any money to leave Florida to go anywhere right now.

So far my life has been pretty eventful, full of surprises. I try my best to make the most out of every moment I have. My best times are with my family and friends. Try to get as much as you can out of school; you’re only there for eleven years and when you graduate, you’re home free.
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: hahaha723