Предмет: Английский язык, автор: 0686619807s

A. Choose a, b or c. 1. I am not interested it. a. in... stand 2. To be a. confident b. at... like c. to... make , I didn't do my project. b. popular Maths. Actually, I can't 3. My best friend is angry and she a. drops me b. doesn't return a line my calls 4. There are people who aren't the world is facing. a. well-known b. aware of 5. Who a. won 6. What is your a. passion yesterday's match? b. beat c. honest 1. A: What B: I A: you B: No, it's OK. I minute now. A: He He sports or art? b. poverty c. can't be serious the problems c. in a position B. What are these people like? Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box. 2. A: Where is Tom? B: I he c. faced quick-tempered bossy shy outgoing lazy 1. Adam likes meeting new people. He is 2. Mary never does the housework. She's 3. Tom wants everyone to do what he says. He is 4. Timothy doesn't talk much. He is 5. Bill gets angry easily. He is you (make) dinner. c. ability C. Complete the dialogues with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets. _(do)? (need) any help? (finish) any (not know) for sure but I think (work). (work) a lot. (stay) in the office till late. D. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in the box. tell be send call find you at work at the 1. A: Why weekend? B: Because my boss come to work. 2. A: B: No, she 3. E. Choose 1. How your sister you a, b or c. a. many 2. Would you like a. some b. little sugar do we need for the cake? b. much c. a few 3. When I was ten, I am too lazy. a. used to b. don't me an e-mail. 5. At night, I have very a. few b. little 6. Oh, no! There is a. many b. few c. didn't 4. When exactly are your exams b. on a. in c. at F. Choose a, b or c. 1. Farmers pick cherries a) in b) on c) at you? your keys? c. no 5. I get up early. big breakfast. a) in b) on 3. to my father. a) in c) at b) on 4. The football match is we watch it together? a) in b) on tea? c) at me to play football. Now I 2. Mollie's birthday is Tuesday so we have only two days to prepare a surprise party. a) in b) on c) at Father's Day I will give a nice present the summer? c. lot coffee left in the pot. c. no time to watch TV. 6. Typically grandparents in the country. a) in b) on c) at 7. They usually have a picnic weekend. a) in b) on c) at summer. the morning and have a 8 o'clock.Shall c) at Christmas, we visit my the​


Автор ответа: akim579292

















Do you do your homework every day?

Do you need any help?

Have you finished any work yet?

I don't know for sure but I think he is working.

He works a lot.

He stays in the office till late.


B: Because my boss called me at work.

A: Did your sister send you an e-mail?

B: No, she didn't call me.

A: Did you find your keys?

B: No, I didn't find them.




used to












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