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1 варіант
Hello, Anton! It's been six months since you moved to another city. A lot has changed in the classroom since you left. Since the first of September, three new students have joined our class. Two girls and one boy. One girl does ballet, the other goes to a music school.
But the main asset of our class is Serhiy, he plays football very well. So now our team has become stronger. The next time you come, we will definitely play together. And even recently, our classmate was sick, she was even in the hospital. We visited it as a whole class. After 2 weeks, she was cured and allowed to go to work. At the beginning of September, the school had "Charging with a star". It was led by an Olympic champion. And the basketball court on the street was repaired, shields and rings were painted.
Come soon, the boys and I are bored.
2 варіант
Dear friend, how long has it been since we saw you! I received your letter a week ago, it made me very happy. Now I have a free moment, I decided to answer you.
I am spending this summer in the country with my parents and younger sister. We rarely go to the city. But I am not drawn there. Very good in the country. The weather is excellent, very hot. We are a whole family during the day we go to the river to swim and sunbathe. We spend a lot of time on the beach.
In such weather, all summer residents are there. Mom bought an air mattress for my sister and me, and flippers for me. I can swim very fast in them. Once I even wanted to swim from one shore to the other another, but dad wouldn't let me. I will definitely do this next year. My sister and I have one hobby. Every Wednesday we always go fishing together. The night before, my sister makes sure to prepare food for us to take with us. And I dig worms and take with me food for fish. We get up very early to go fishing. It is still damp and cool outside at this time of the day, so you have to dress warmer. Going back, we already take off our windbreakers.We always go fishing in the same place. This is our favorite lake with reeds and ducks. There are a lot of little ducklings there this year. We feed them with leftover bread breakfast.
We take the fish I catch to my mother. If we catch a big fish, my mother prepares it for us for dinner. And if she is small, then she gives it to the neighbor's cat Vaska. He is very happy with our catch.
Days fly by imperceptibly. A whole month of vacation has already passed. I'm already starting to miss school and my classmates a little. It would be faster to see everyone, to find out how they spent the summer..
Write me what's new with you, how your brother Artem is doing. I am very interested in what is going on with you.
Goodbye. See you in the fall at the roll call.
Your Bohdan.