Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: nafanechka77
Люди добрые, помогите! Имеем ученика 6-го класса самой обычной школы , обладающего, мягко говоря, очень скромными способностями к языку ))
"придумать и написать текст 10 предложений в Past Simple "
Вот простой бы текст какой-нибудь...Что бы достоверно было, что сам справился...(желательно с переводом)
Автор ответа:
One night Alan Cockerell, a waiter from a hotel near Loch Ness, walked home.
It was in 1988. Alan worked late and finished work at two o’clock. He walked home alone. It was a clear night and there was a full moon. While he was on his way to his cottage, something happened. Something appeared in the lake. It was large and black. Alan hurried to his cottage to take his camera. But when he returned to the lake there was nothing there. Alan was sure it was a Loch Ness monster Nessie.
It was in 1988. Alan worked late and finished work at two o’clock. He walked home alone. It was a clear night and there was a full moon. While he was on his way to his cottage, something happened. Something appeared in the lake. It was large and black. Alan hurried to his cottage to take his camera. But when he returned to the lake there was nothing there. Alan was sure it was a Loch Ness monster Nessie.
ну вот пару вариантов
It was in 1988. Alan worked late and finished work at two o’clock. He walked home alone. It was a clear night and there was a full moon. While he was on his way to his cottage, something happened. Something appeared in the lake. It was large and black. Alan hurried to his cottage to take his camera. But when he returned to the lake there was nothing there. Alan was sure it was a Loch Ness monster Nessie.
Это было в 1988 году. Алан работал поздно и закончил работу в два часа. Он шел домой один. Это была ясная ночь и была полная луна. В то время как он был на пути к своему коттедже, что-то случилось. Что-то появилось в озере. Это было большим и черным. Алан поспешил в свой коттедж, чтобы взять свою камеру. Но когда он вернулся к озеру не было ничего там. Алан был уверен, что это Лох-Несс чудовище Несси.
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