Помогите решить задание

1) if it hadn’t rained, I would have gone to the party.
2) he wouldn’t have gone to the party if he had knew she was there. (тут просто місцями поміняли, а так можна і написати: if he had knew she was there he wouldn’t have gone to the party)
3) if she hadn’t been sick, rose would have came to visit us.
4) if you had worked harder, you would have passed your exams.
5) if you had looked properly, you would have seen where they were.
6) we wouldn’t have been late if the taxi had arrived on time/ if the taxi had arrived on time we wouldn’t have been late.
- Якщо що would не можна писати із if-clause.
7) if he had done that time I would have fired him / I would have fired him if he had done that to me.
8) I would have slept better if he hadn’t made so much noise.
1) if I had the money, I would go to London
- Замість would можна ставити could/might, але не завжди може підійти по контексту речення. Could (теж саме can) - фізична можливість щось зробити.
2) if a snake came into the house I would run away
3) if we took the train we might arrive there sooner
4) I would stop and chat if I would have the time.
5) I would go to the corner if you could go with me.
6) If you were ill, I would send you to the doctor
7) if I lost my way, I would just try to phone you.
8) if you were my friend, you wouldn’t say that about me.
- Слова в реченнях, такі як я писала try to phone, send you to можна самому придумати що поставити.