Предмет: Английский язык, автор: lydmilakulaets07

Скласти розповідь про себе на основі цієї вправи​ 9-11 речень​


ANASTASIK11: мм як це робити?


Автор ответа: loxik14

As for me, I believe that friends should have some things in common, but not necessarily everything. It's nice to have someone who shares your interests and hobbies, like my friend Emily, who loves to read and watch movies just like I do. However, I also have friends who have different tastes and hobbies, and that's okay too. I agree with Mark that it's interesting to get to know people from different backgrounds and with different perspectives. For example, my friend Luisa is from a completely different country and culture, and we have different hobbies, but we still enjoy each other's company and have fun when we hang out. I think the most important thing is to have a

connection with your friends, whether it's through shared interests or just enjoying each other's company. Like Jessica and Sarah, I also have a friend who feels like a sister to me, and even though we have different personalities and interests, we never argue and always have a great time together.

Автор ответа: ANASTASIK11

As for me, I believe that friends should have some things in common, but not necessarily everything. It's nice to have someone who shares your interests and hobbies, like my friend Emily, who loves to read and watch movies just like I do. However, I also have friends who have different tastes and hobbies, and that's okay too. I agree with Mark that it's interesting to get to know people from different backgrounds and with different perspectives. For example, my friend Luisa is from a completely different country and culture, and we have different hobbies, but we still enjoy each other's company and have fun when we hang out. I think the most important thing is to have a

connection with your friends, whether it's through shared interests or just enjoying each other's company.

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