Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ayimsuyu

Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box
enjoy find job most part quite responsibilities responsible what
1. I’m __________________ for the main tasks of my company.
2. My __________________ include helping new employees of the company.
3. It’s also my _____________ to improve the company’s working conditions (условия).
4. To be honest, I _______________ my work.
5. What I like _______________ about my work is the responsibility, the challenge and, of course, the salary.
6. I _______________ my work very interesting.
7. One task I don’t _______________ like is writing emails.
8. The ____________ of my job that I don’t really like is the long hours.
9. ______________ I don’t like so much is when I have to deal with a difficult


Автор ответа: drewdober

1) I’m responsible for the main tasks of my company.

2) My responsibilities include helping new employees of the company.

3) It’s also my job to improve the company’s working conditions (условия).

4) To be honest, I enjoy my work.

5) What I like most about my work is the responsibility, the challenge and, of course, the salary.

6) I find my work very interesting.

7)) One task I don’t quite like is writing emails.

8) The part of my job that I don’t really like is the long hours.

9) What I don’t like so much is when I have to deal with a difficult customer.

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