PRESENT PERFECT TENSE COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH THE VERBS IN BRACKETS just her old car. (SELL) a good present for you. (BUY) long messages for me. (WRITE) . a chocolate cake for my sister. (BAKE) 1.- Marina 2.-Your best friend 3.-Alexander and Tony 4.-My grandmother 5.-Lorenzo 6.-Walter 7.-Sonia and you 8.-John Oates 9.-Gloria *********** 10. The postman 11.-Three girls. 13.-Lorena...................her 14.-Mr Brown 15.-Freddy 16.-Samuel and Alice 17.-Katherine to the theatre with his girlfriend. (GO) never in the sea. (SWIM) the teacher's advice. (FOLLOW) 18.-Peter Smith 19.-I her bed early today. (MAKE) my sister this morning. (CALL) a big parcel for my dad. (BRING) tennis in the park this afternoon. (PLAY) birthday today. (CELEBRATE) ...Maths at the local school. (TEACH) a lot of novels this week. (READ) a baby girl. (HAVE) television this morning with me (WATCH) my boyfriend to the restaurant. (INVITE) 20.-Miriam..... some difficult documents. (TRANSLATE) 21.-The phone many times this morning. (RING) the weekend at the beach. (SPEND)
Marina has just sold her old car.
Your best friend has bought a good present for you.
Alexander and Tony have written long messages for me.
My grandmother has baked a chocolate cake for my sister.
Lorenzo has gone to the theatre with his girlfriend.
Walter has never swum in the sea.
Sonia and you have followed the teacher's advice.
John Oates has celebrated his birthday today.
Gloria has taught Maths at the local school.
The postman has brought a big parcel for my dad.
Three girls have played tennis in the park this afternoon.
Lorena has made her bed early today.
Mr Brown has read a lot of novels this week.
Freddy has watched television this morning with me.
Samuel and Alice have invited my boyfriend to the restaurant.
Katherine has spent the weekend at the beach.
Peter Smith has translated some difficult documents.
I have called my sister this morning.
The phone has rung many times this morning.
Miriam has spent the afternoon writing reports.
Mark has been studying for his exams all day