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A. Young people are active participants in their
own history. Past generations of radical students
have played a role in protests and revolutions against
the existing social order. The youth movement is ideological or political in nature.
At the same time, ordinary young people usually
belong to the youth movement through membership
in an adult-led voluntary youth organization, such as
Scouts or guides. There are also
"youth cultures" focused on fashion, which are determined by the types of clothing, music
and language. The term "youth movement" is so
broad, which can apply to both punk rockers and young conservatives.
B. The world's first voluntary youth organization
was the church-based Boys' Brigade, founded
in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1883 by William Alexander
Smith (1854-1914) and devoted himself to religious
education and the development of habits of obedience,
reverence, discipline, self-respect and all that
leads to true Christian manhood.In the 1900s, there was a movement of middle-class students in Germany
who engaged in outdoor vagrancy, Richard Schirmann, a German schoolteacher, opened the first youth hostel in 1909. Youth hostels providing cheap accommodation for young people are now found in most regions of the world. In England, Major General Robert Baden-Powell (1857 - 1941) in 1908 founded the movement of loggers in uniform - Boy Scouts, like boys". The Brigade, the scout movement has spread all over the world, is a sister organization to the Scouts. The Association of Girl Guides, founded in 1910, also has a large number of members around the world, these organizations teach boys and girls various useful skills, such as campfire, cooking, fishing, as well as to develop their character, scouts traditionally use a penknife, and their motto is "Be ready".
C. Young people contributed to mass political movements of both the left and the right, in
the 1930s, youth fascist organizations functioned in
Mussolini's Italy and Hitler's Germany, after 1933 Membership in the Nazi Hitler Youth became mandatory, in the UK some young people joined the Blackshirts, the Austrian Red Falcons were an active socialist movement of the 1930s.
There were communist youth groups in Soviet Russia:
An Octobrist, pioneer and Komsomol me8mber, whose goal was the political education of youth.
D. Since the Second World War the media have talked a lot about the activities of various notorious youthcults, this spreading information about them, about the Teddy Boys of the 1950s with their long jackets, corduroy collars, drainpipe trousers and shoes the crepe soles were the first of the rebellious youth cults of the working class, in the early 1960s new groups appeared, such as the Mods, dressed in Italian-style clothes, and their
leather-clad rivals, the rockers.The Hipples of the late 1960s were more muddie-class, They experimented with drugs, lived in communities, grew their hait long, and were attracted to radical politics.
Skinheads, combining elements of both Mods and Rockers and associated with the racism of the far right, arrived on the scene in the late 1960s. Punk Rockers achieved notoriety through the attention of the media in the late 1970s, with their unique "Mohican" hairstyles, vivid make-up, cast-off clothes and aggressive music. Several of these youth cultures were recycled in the 1980s
Детальный пересказ:
Young people have been active participants in their own history, playing a role in protests and revolutions against the existing social order. The youth movement can be ideological or political, but ordinary young people usually belong to it through membership in adult-led voluntary youth organizations, such as Scouts or guides. Youth cultures, focused on fashion, are determined by clothing, music, and language. The term "youth movement" is broad and can apply to both punk rockers and young conservatives.
The world's first voluntary youth organization was the church-based Boys' Brigade, founded in Scotland in 1883. In the 1900s, there was a movement of middle-class students in Germany who engaged in outdoor vagrancy. Richard Schirmann, a German schoolteacher, opened the first youth hostel in 1909. The Boy Scouts, founded by Major General Robert Baden-Powell in England in 1908, and the Association of Girl Guides, founded in 1910, teach boys and girls various useful skills, such as camping, cooking, and fishing, as well as character development.
Young people also contributed to mass political movements of both the left and the right. In the 1930s, youth fascist organizations functioned in Mussolini's Italy and Hitler's Germany, and membership in the Nazi Hitler Youth became mandatory in Germany after 1933. Communist youth groups also existed in Soviet Russia.
Since the Second World War, the media has talked a lot about the activities of various notorious youth cultures. The Teddy Boys of the 1950s were the first rebellious youth cults of the working class, followed by new groups in the 1960s such as the Mods, rockers, and Hipples. Skinheads arrived on the scene in the late 1960s, combining elements of both Mods and Rockers and associated with the racism of the far right. Punk Rockers achieved notoriety through the attention of the media in the late 1970s, with their unique "Mohican" hairstyles, vivid make-up, cast-off clothes, and aggressive music. Several of these youth cultures were recycled in the 1980s.
Сокращенный пересказ:
The youth movement is an active participant in history, as past generations of radical students have played a role in protests and revolutions against the existing social order. Young people belong to the youth movement through various means, including ideological or political affiliations, membership in adult-led voluntary youth organizations like Scouts or guides, or by being part of youth cultures focused on fashion. The world's first voluntary youth organization was the Boys' Brigade, founded in Glasgow in 1883. Other youth organizations, such as the Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, and Komsomol, were founded to teach young people useful skills and develop their character. However, youth fascist organizations also emerged in Mussolini's Italy and Hitler's Germany in the 1930s. Since the Second World War, various youth cultures, such as Teddy Boys, Mods, Rockers, Hipples, Skinheads, and Punk Rockers, have gained notoriety through the media. Some of these youth cultures have been recycled in the 1980s.