Предмет: Английский язык, автор: angelinkah123

VI. Translate from Russian into English:
1. Пластиковые деньги были изобретены несколько десятилетий назад в США.
2. Когда были изобретены электронные платежи? - Системы электронных платежей были введены в 1989 году.
3. Все больше компаний будут вынуждены принимать к оплате пластиковые деньги, не правда ли?
4. Все больше и больше счетов не будут оплачиваться наличными. Оплата будет производиться только чеками и картами.
5. Когда и где были утеряны ваши дорожные чеки? Сохранилась ли тогда ваша справка о продаже с номерами и достоинством чеков? - Боюсь, она была утеряна вместе с чеками. - А вас предупреждали, чтобы вы не хранили чеки вместе со справкой? - Меня ни о чем не предупреждали.
6. Кредитная карта была вставлена неправильно и изъята банкоматом. После этого держатель карты был приглашен в банк. Его попросили назвать свое имя и расписаться. Затем подпись сверили с подписью на кредитной карте.
7. Чаевые не были включены в счет. На усмотрение клиента они были оставлены наличными.
8. Моя чековая книжка и чековая карточка не были украдены. Они были оставлены на стойке службы приема и размещения гостиницы, когда я регистрировался вчера вечером.
9. Какие виды карт принимали к оплате в гостинице, в которой вы останавливались в последний раз? - К оплате принимались все виды платежей: все карты, все чеки и наличные. А вот в компании по аренде автомобилей в той же гостинице не принимали персональные чеки и еврочеки.
10. В прошлом году терминалы для обслуживания клиентов с банковскими многофункциональными картами были установлены в этом универмаге.
11. Какая процентная ставка была начислена на задолженность? - Процентная ставка не была начислена, потому что задолженность была выплачена полностью в конце прошлого месяца.
12. Ты касался платежей, когда проходил стажировку в турагентстве?
- Нет, мне не разрешали принимать оплату, но я был обязан выписывать счета к оплате.


Автор ответа: cevase


Plastic money was invented several decades ago in the USA.

When were electronic payments invented? - Electronic payment systems were introduced in 1989.

More and more companies will have to accept plastic money, won't they?

More and more bills will not be paid in cash. Payment will be made only by checks and cards.

When and where were your traveler's checks lost? Did your receipt with the numbers and values of the checks survive? - I'm afraid it was lost along with the checks. - And were you warned not to keep the checks together with the receipt? - I wasn't warned about anything.

The credit card was inserted incorrectly and was seized by the ATM. After that, the cardholder was invited to the bank. He was asked to give his name and sign. Then the signature was compared with the signature on the credit card.

Tips were not included in the bill. They were left in cash at the customer's discretion.

My checkbook and check card were not stolen. They were left at the hotel front desk when I checked in last night.

What types of cards were accepted for payment at the hotel where you last stayed? - All types of payments were accepted: all cards, all checks, and cash. However, the car rental company in the same hotel did not accept personal checks and euro checks.

Last year, terminals for servicing customers with multifunctional bank cards were installed in this department store.

What interest rate was charged on the debt? - No interest rate was charged because the debt was paid in full at the end of last month.

Did you deal with payments when you were doing an internship at a travel agency? - No, I wasn't allowed to take payment, but I was responsible for issuing invoices for payment.

Автор ответа: homchik2009
1. Plastic money was invented several decades ago in the USA.

2. When were electronic payments invented? - Electronic payment systems were introduced in 1989.

3. More and more companies will be forced to accept plastic money, won't they?

4. More and more bills will not be paid in cash. Payment will only be made by checks and cards.

5. When and where were your traveler's checks lost? Did your receipt with the check numbers and values ​​survive? - I'm afraid it was lost with the checks. - And were you warned not to keep the checks with the receipt? - No one warned me about anything.

6. The credit card was inserted incorrectly and was seized by the ATM. After that, the cardholder was invited to the bank. He was asked to state his name and sign. Then the signature was compared to the one on the credit card.

7. Tips were not included in the bill. At the client's discretion, they were left in cash.

8. My checkbook and check card were not stolen. They were left at the hotel reception desk when I checked in last night.

9. What types of cards were accepted for payment at the hotel where you last stayed? - All payment methods were accepted: all cards, all checks, and cash. However, the car rental company in the same hotel did not accept personal checks or Eurocheques.

10. Last year, terminals for servicing customers with multifunctional bank cards were installed in this department store.

11. What interest rate was charged on the debt? - No interest rate was charged because the debt was paid in full at the end of last month.
12. Did you deal with payments when you were interning at the travel agency? - No, I was not allowed to accept payment, but I was obliged to issue invoices for payment.
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