Предмет: Английский язык, автор: bogdanbogdan2310

Use the sequence of tenses rules to change statements into the Indirect Speech

1. Our teacher told us, “ Sicily is an island in the southern part of Italy”

2. He asked me, “Can I come to the meeting tomorrow?”

3. Jane wondered, “Is he a club member?”

4. The teacher said to Karen, “Please stand up”

5. Geraldine said, “Don’t shout!”

6. Jerry told me, “Did you see that car over there?”

7. Bobby wanted to know, “Will you be at the party next Saturday”?

8. The doctor said, “You must stay in bed ”

9. Mr Jackson advised me, “I would not go there because it is dangerous!”

10. The scientist said, “Atoms are the smallest elements.”

11. My grandmother said, “ When I was young, there were no cell phones”

12. My coach said, “I won’t be able to be at the next game”


Автор ответа: lisweenv

1. Our teacher told us that Sicily is an island in the southern part of Italy.

2. He asked me if he could come to the meeting the next day.

3. Jane wondered if he was a club member.

4. The teacher asked Karen to stand up.

5. Geraldine told us not to shout.

6. Jerry asked me if I had seen that car over there.

7. Bobby wanted to know if I would be at the party the next Saturday.

8. The doctor said that I must stay in bed.

9. Mr. Jackson advised me not to go there because it was dangerous.

10.The scientist said that atoms are the smallest elements.

11. My grandmother said that when she was young, there were no cell phones.

12. My coach said that he would not be able to be at the next game.

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