Предмет: Английский язык, автор: kuzhyl18

Read the text and complete gaps 1-10. Circle the correct answer A, B or C.
The photo shows a group of people ¹_ leggings and T-shirts in a park. I think it's a yoga class _ some kind because they are all standing in the same position with their hands on their hips. I'd _ that the man _ a beard is the teacher because everyone is looking in his direction and trying to copy him. It's a class for advanced students I _ say because they all look very confident. One of the women is holding a belt, or something _ that to help her stretch her arms. There is also a man in the background who is sitting on _ ball to help him balance. In front of him, a woman _ a blue top has her foot on something purple that looks some kind of brick. The photo is likely an advert for a holiday camp because everyone looks _ some kind of brick. The photo is _ likely an advert for a holiday camp because everyone looks like a model and they are all wearing designer sports clothes.



Автор ответа: temmsup


The photo shows a group of people wearing leggings and T-shirts in a park. I think it's a yoga class of some kind because they are all standing in the same position with their hands on their hips. I'd guess that the man with a beard is the teacher because everyone is looking in his direction and trying to copy him. It's a class for advanced students I would say because they all look very confident. One of the women is holding a belt, or something like that to help her stretch her arms. There is also a man in the background who is sitting on a ball to help him balance. In front of him, a woman in a blue top has her foot on something purple that looks like some kind of brick. The photo is likely an advert for a holiday camp because everyone looks happy and healthy. The photo is unlikely an advert for a holiday camp because everyone looks like a model and they are all wearing designer sports clothes.

A. wearing / B. wears / C. wear

Answer: A. wearing

A. at / B. of / C. in

Answer: C. in

A. say / B. telling / C. speak

Answer: A. say

A. with / B. have / C. has

Answer: C. has

A. can / B. could / C. would

Answer: B. could

A. as / B. like / C. alike

Answer: B. like

A. the / B. a / C. an

Answer: A. the

A. in / B. on / C. at

Answer: B. on

A. looks like / B. look like / C. are like

Answer: B. look like

A. likely / B. unlikely / C. certainly

Answer: B. unlikely

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