Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ughchpopik

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Автор ответа: brovdiialina116


equivalents of the following English idioms? Can you make up any situations to illustrate some of them?

1. it is raining cats and dogs

2. like water off a duck's back

3. be as busv as a bee

4. elbow grease gives the best polish

5. no pains, no gainsequivalents of the following English idioms? Can you make up any situations to illustrate some of them?

1. it is raining cats and dogs

2. like water off a duck's back

3. be as busv as a bee

4. elbow grease gives the best polish

5. no pains, no gainsequivalents of the following English idioms? Can you make up any situations to illustrate some of them?

1. it is raining cats and dogs

2. like water off a duck's back

3. be as busv as a bee

4. elbow grease gives the best polish

5. no pains, no gainsequivalents of the following English idioms? Can you make up any situations to illustrate some of them?

1. it is raining cats and dogs

2. like water off a duck's back

3. be as busv as a bee

4. elbow grease gives the best polish

5. no pains, no gainsequivalents of the following English idioms? Can you make up any situations to illustrate some of them?

1. it is raining cats and dogs

2. like water off a duck's back

3. be as busv as a bee

4. elbow grease gives the best polish

5. no pains, no gainsequivalents of the following English idioms? Can you make up any situations to illustrate some of them?

1. it is raining cats and dogs

2. like water off a duck's back

3. be as busv as a bee

4. elbow grease gives the best polish

5. no pains, no gainsequivalents of the following English idioms? Can you make up any situations to illustrate some of them?

1. it is raining cats and dogs

2. like water off a duck's back

3. be as busv as a bee

4. elbow grease gives the best polish

5. no pains, no gainsequivalents of the following English idioms? Can you make up any situations to illustrate some of them?

1. it is raining cats and dogs

2. like water off a duck's back

3. be as busv as a bee

4. elbow grease gives the best polish

5. no pains, no gainsequivalents of the following English idioms? Can you make up any situations to illustrate some of them?

1. it is raining cats and dogs

2. like water off a duck's back

3. be as busv as a bee

4. elbow grease gives the best polish

5. no pains, no gainsequivalents of the following English idioms? Can you make up any situations to illustrate some of them?

1. it is raining cats and dogs

2. like water off a duck's back

3. be as busv as a bee

4. elbow grease gives the best polish

5. no pains, no gainsequivalents of the following English idioms? Can you make up any situations to illustrate some of them?

1. it is raining cats and dogs

2. like water off a duck's back

3. be as busv as a bee

4. elbow grease gives the best polish

5. no pains, no gainsequivalents of the following English idioms? Can you make up any situations to illustrate some of them?

1. it is raining cats and dogs

2. like water off a duck's back

3. be as busv as a bee

4. elbow grease gives the best polish

5. no pains, no gainsequivalents of the following English idioms? Can you make up any situations to illustrate some of them?

1. it is raining cats and dogs

2. like water off a duck's back

3. be as busv as a bee

4. elbow grease gives the best polish

5. no pains, no gains

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