СРОЧНО ПОМОГИТЕ ДАМ ПОСЛЕДНИЕ БАЛИ !! створити схожий діалог, написати в зошиті, використати речення з вправи 3, ст. 105.

Anya: let's take more food with us for a picnic
Olya: okay, do you have a list of products?
Anya: yes, there is, look.
* Read the list*
Anya: Okay, I'll make pancakes.
Olya: do it with red fish, I love them very much.
Anya: Well, who's going to buy drinks?
Olya: I'll buy it.I'll take kvass and water, maybe also apple juice.
Ania:Great, I'll also bring strawberries and watermelon.
Olya: great, what do you think, should I take dessert?
Ania:Of course!I have a sharlotka at home.I'll get it.And I'll ask my parents to buy candy.that will be enough.
Olya: I can bring some cake.
Anya: no, Olya, we have enough sweets already.Can we get some cutlery?
Olya: no, it's not necessary, only if there are a few napkins and small plastic plates.My mom will buy them.Can I take some vegetables?
Anya: well, you can take some cucumbers and a tomato.We will have the best and most delicious picnic!!
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