Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ikmj5pctcm

1 Write the noun form of these verbs. Some are
the same as the verb.
1 complete
2 achieve
3 need
4 dream.
5 argue
6 fail
7 translate
8 erupt
9 rescue.
2 Complete the text with the noun form of the
verbs in brackets. You may need the plural form.
Last year, at the age of seventeen,
Mike Perham became the youngest sailor
to complete a
(circumnavigate) of the world alone. But this
year, two sixteen-year-old girls are beginning
separate 2
(attempt) to beat
his record. Last year, a thirteen-year-old
Dutch girl, Laura Dekker, was finishing her
. (prepare) for the same
journey when a children's court stopped
her. Now aged fourteen, she's trying again.
It seems that many teenagers today aren't.
interested in the normal forms of
(entertain) and
(relax), like video games
and sports. They want
(experience) that can really excite their
(imagine) and also help
with the
of personal skills. So they choose
(explore). Their amazing
(accomplish) certainly
look good on their CVs when it's time to find
(employ). But for most
of them, that probably isn't the main
3 Study the dictionary entries. Then answer the questions below.
explore /ik'splat/ verb to travel around a place, etc. in order to learn
about it: They went on an expedition to explore the River Amazon.
(figurative) We need to explore (= look carefully at) all the
possibilities before we decide. > exploration noun [U]
explorer /k'splora/ noun [C] a person who travels around a place
in order to learn about it
1 Which noun is countable?
2 Which noun is uncountable?
3 which noun has no definition?
(Note: related nouns sometimes have no definition if the meaning is
clear without one.)
4 Which entry has example sentences?
5 Why are there two examples, not one?
6 Which entry has no information about pronunciation?
Sometimes pictures with labels can help you record and learn related
sailing boat
sail-She sailed to America.
go sailing-We went sailing last summer.
4 Read the Vocab boost! box. Then complete the labels and add any
other words you can. Use a dictionary to help you.



Автор ответа: rozesz


1) 1. completion

  2. achievement

  3. need

  4. dream

  5. argument

  6. failure

  7. translation

  8. eruption

  9. rescue

2)  Last year, at the age of seventeen, Mike Perham became the youngest sailor to complete a circumnavigation of the world alone. But this year, two sixteen-year-old girls are beginning separate attempts to beat his record. Last year, a thirteen-year-old Dutch girl, Laura Dekker, was finishing her preparation for the same journey when a children's court stopped her. Now aged fourteen, she's trying again. It seems that many teenagers today aren't interested in the normal forms of entertainment and relaxation, like video games and sports. They want experiences that can really excite their imaginations and also help develop their personal skills. So they choose exploration. Their amazing accomplishments certainly look good on their CVs when it's time to find employment. But for most of them, that probably isn't the main motivation.

3) 1. The noun "explorer" is countable.

   2. The noun "exploration" is uncountable.

   3. Both nouns have definitions.

   4. The entry for "explore" has example sentences.

   5. There are two examples for "explore" because they demonstrate both the literal and figurative meanings of the verb.

   6. The entry for "explorer" has no information about pronunciation.  

4) 1. ski lift

   3.ski jacket

Всё остальное не видно на скрине, 3 задание не уверена


Похожие вопросы
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Задание 1 (30 баллов).

1. Прочитайте словосочетания: небольшая ц..тата, ц..плячий пух, ц..рковой номер, ц..фровые данные, белый нарц..сс, умный ц..ганёнок, пожарная инспекц..я, сестриц..н портфель, моя интуиц..я, умниц..-разумниц.., важный пац..ент, большие гусениц.., горячие голубц.., жар-птиц..но перо, ящериц..н хвост, приц..кнуть на малыша, небольшой ц..линдр, ц..кл передач, причины галлюц..нац..и, жить во Франц..и.

2. Спишите их, вставляя пропущенные орфограммы (20 баллов).

3. Составьте и запишите два простых предложения с любыми двумя словосочетаниями из данного задания (10 баллов).

Задание 2 (30 баллов).

1. Прочитайте словосочетания: ш..пот учителя, ч..рный кот, лесные пч..лы, наш..л игрушку, железная реш..тка, поч..тное звание, прищ..лкивать языком, неправильный расч..т, ш..кировать поступком, розовые щ..ки, прож..рливый котёнок, важный пиж..н, неровный ш..в, ч..рствый хлеб, небольшой щ..голь, дорогой ш..лк, ц..кот копыт, заброшенная трущ..ба, длинная беч..вка, ц..коль дома.

2. Спишите их, вставляя пропущенные орфограммы (20 баллов).

3. Составьте и запишите 2 простых предложения с любыми двумя словосочетаниями из данного задания (10 баллов).

Задание 3 (40 баллов).

1. Прочитайте слова: меж..язычный, ра..писание, пред..юбилейный, по..ровняешь, и..правиться, ..бежать, пред..дущий, без..дейный, о..летел, пр..мчаться, ра..ломите, во..стание, по..ключение, об..яснение, сверх..нтеллигентный, с..ёжился, трёх..ярусный, под..грать, в..езд, сверх..нтересный, з..головок, пред..юньский, п..имённый, суб..ект, раз..скал, меж..нститутский, по..кладка, пан..японский, с..экономил, четырех..гровой.

2. Спишите их, вставляя, где необходимо, пропущенные орфограммы (30 баллов).

3. Выделите в словах только те приставки, правописание которых зависит от глухости-звонкости последующего согласного (10 баллов).
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