Предмет: Английский язык, автор: masya2312312321



9pl9gecqz: щас попробую порешать


Автор ответа: 9pl9gecqz

Ответ: №1.

By the time we woke up, the bus to the seaside had already left.

As soon as got to the airport, I realised that i had forgotten to bring my passport.

Asmir couldn't buy a ticket because he had already left all his money.

By the time we arrived, the cafe had run out of sandwiches.

After we had seen the Picasso exhibition, we left the gallery and went for lunch.

We finally got into the exhibition at 2 p.m - four hours after we had started queuing!

We met some people from Austratia who had come to Britain to see their grandparents.

Sarah had never learned Spanish before she moved to Macrid.

Last year found an oldmanuscript in the attic. I discovered that researchers had looked for it for centuries.

Объяснение: S + had + part participle


1. b

2. e

3. f

4. a

5. c

6. d


1. Had he tried to find it before?

с. No, he hadn't, but he'd known about it.

2. That was lucky! How long had it been lost for?

e. About eighty years it had disappeated in the late 1920s.

3. Where had it been all that time?

a. Nobody knows exactly, but it turned up in California, a woman who worked for Sony Pictures had it.

4. Where had she found it?

f. She'd found it in an antiques shop.

5. Had she known it was famous when she bought it?

b. No, she hadn't She just thought it would look good in the film. A few years later she sold it and the painting returned to Hungary.

6. Had the researcher contacted her about it?

d. Yes, he had. He had sent her an email and she had replied that the painting was on her wall at home. She reatised it was valuable and she sold it


2. I had forgotten my English books

3. I had not said goodbye to my friends

4. my parents had asked me to buy some milk on the way home

5. I had not taken my keys in the morning and there was no one at home

6. we had arranged to go to my grandparents house for dinner - on the other side of town!

Объяснение: S + had + part participle

masya2312312321: это первое задание?
9pl9gecqz: это четвертое задание, которое вы и упомянули в вопрос
стоп... все четыре...?
masya2312312321: Да)
masya2312312321: Если можете пожалуйста, очень нужн
masya2312312321: Да, все четыре , если можете конечно, очень сильно выручите, пожалуйста
masya2312312321: спасибки помогла сильн
9pl9gecqz: я закончила
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