writing про любое животноe
--Where does it live?
--What does it eat?
--interesting facts
The cheetah is a large cat native to Africa and Southwest Asia. It is the fastest land animal, capable of running at 80 to 98 km/h, as it has a light build, long thin legs and a long tail. It typically reaches 67–94 cm at the shoulder, and the head-and-body length is between 1.1 and 1.5 m. Adults weigh between 21 and 72 kg. Its head is small and rounded, with a short snout and black tear-like facial streaks. The coat is typically creamy white and is mostly covered with solid black spots.
The cheetah lives in three main social groups: females and their cubs, male "coalitions", and solitary males. The cheetah is active during the day, with peaks during dawn and dusk. It feeds on small- to medium-sized prey, mostly weighing under 40 kg, and prefers medium-sized impala, springbok and Thomson's gazelles.
Wolves live in North America, Europe, and Asia. Wolves can weigh 32-62kg and their average height is 80 – 85cm. They usually eat deer, elk, bison, and moose. Interesting facts: Wolves mate for life, each wolf in the family takes care of pups, and wolves don't actually howl at the moon.