Read the article about Chen Guan Ming and answer the questions. 1 What was Chen's job when he was young? 2 How far did he cycle to get to Beijing? 3 When did Chen leave home to go to London? 4 Did Chen go sightseeing during his journey? 5 Where did Chen go after the London Olympics? 6 Did Chen travel with his rickshaw to Canad.
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Прочтите статью о Чен Гуань Мине и ответьте на вопросы.
1 What was Chen's job when he was young?
Chen Guan Ming was a farmer.
"When Chen Guan Ming was a young man, he never travelled far from his farm in a small village in China."
2 How far did he cycle to get to Beijing?
He cycled 90,000km to get to Beijing.
"He left his village and cycled 90,00 km all over China..."
3 When did Chen leave home to go to London?
In 2001 Cheng left his home.
"The story began in 2001, when he heard that the games were coming to Beijing."
4 Did Chen go sightseeing during his journey?
Yes, he did.
"Then he showed them the stamps in his passport, and the photos of himself at places like the Eiffel Tower in Paris and Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur."
5 Where did Chen go after the London Olympics?
He went back home.
"After the London Olympics, Chen left his rickshaw in the UK and caught a flight home to plan his next trip - to the Rio Olympics."
6 Did Chen travel with his rickshaw to Canada?
Yes, he did. He put his rickshaw on a ship to Canada, and he took a plane there.
"He put his rickshaw on a ship to Canada, and he took a plane there."
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