треба вибрати один з цих прикметників, і написати 10 речення на англійській мові, чому я себе так почуваю

Відповідь: розчарований
Along with the accumulated images, a feeling of disappointment develops. Life, people, myself. In general, absolutely to everyone. The kettle can also be disappointing. It boils slowly. Whistles incorrectly. The colour is bad. The handle is uncomfortable—disappointment with a particular decision to spread. Most often, and most of all, the family of a disappointed person follows.
This feeling is required to refrain from any further action. All opportunities to change reality, to see everything in a gloomy hostile world are deliberately omitted. There is an unbreakable confidence that nothing can be seen and nothing can be changed because there will be disappointment again. All attempts to change something are stopped before they even begin. And the number of attempts decreases over time because the surrounding reality fully corresponds to the internal expectation. It is not for nothing that they say "what is inside is also outside".
Disappointment is complete passivity in actions, almost a depressive state—the disappointment of soul and body. Emptiness with resentment, mistrust and self-pity can even lead to suicide. Nothing more to lose. Life is completely devalued. All meaning is lost.Пояснення: