составить предложение в виде present perfect. (Не менее пяти предложений)
Тема : путешествия и транспорт. Не сложные.
1) I have traveled to five different countries in the past year.
2) She has never ridden a motorcycle before, but she has just learned how to ride one.
3) They have visited several national parks across the United States.
4) I have taken many road trips , exploring different parts of our country.
5) He has flown on over 20 airplanes in his lifetime.
1) За последний год я побывал в пяти разных странах.
2) Она никогда раньше не ездила на мотоцикле, но только что научилась на нем ездить.
3) Они посетили несколько национальных парков по всей территории Соединенных Штатов.
4) Я много раз путешествовал, исследуя разные уголки нашей страны.
5) За свою жизнь он летал более чем на 20 самолетах.
1.I have traveled to many different cities by plane, train, and bus.
2.My family and I have taken several road trips over the years, and we always enjoy the scenery along the way.
3.Have you ever been on a cruise? I have never gone on one, but I am excited to try it someday.
4.Since I started traveling more frequently, I have become more comfortable navigating airports and train stations.
5.We have booked a rental car for our upcoming vacation so that we can explore the area more easily.