Розкажіть про свого улюбленого виконавця, музиканта чи музичний гурт (6-8 речень). У цьому творі обов’язково треба використати та підкреслити хоча б один присвійний займенник та один присвійний прикметник.
Якщо ці слова не будуть підкреслені, то цей пункт завдання буде вважатись невиконаним.
Бали: 4
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17; 367; 21,390; 317,853.
My favorite band is Imagine Dragons. Their music is always vulnerable and powerful, and their lyrics open up many different topics relevant to the modern world. I love their albums "Night Visions" and "Smoke + Mirrors" where every song makes me think about important things in life. Their style is unique and different from other bands I listen to. Imagine Dragons have their own unique sound and style that sets them apart from other artists. I always enjoy their music and often listen to their new releases. Their lyrics touch my heart and make me feel like they were made just for me. I love their vocals and the guitar sound that creates an incredible atmosphere. Imagine dragons is my favorite band, whose style and music remain unforgettable for me.