Розповідь про свій візит до магазину. Розказуємо у який магазин ходили (відділ магазину) що купляли, з ким ходите по магазинам і чи подобається вам робити покупки. Складіть коротеньку розповідь на 12-15 речень приблизно.
The day before yesterday, my parents and I went to the store to stock up, we needed milk and meat, so we had to go to the dairy department and then go to the meat department.
I like to go to the store with my parents, because I usually get something tasty too.
Yesterday, I went to the grocery store with my mom. We usually go to the same store because it's close to our house and has a good selection of products. We started by browsing through the fresh produce section, where we picked up some apples, bananas, and spinach. Then, we made our way to the dairy section to grab some milk and yogurt. Next, we went to the bakery to buy a loaf of bread and some cookies for dessert. After that, we headed to the meat section and picked up some chicken breasts for dinner. Finally, we stopped at the checkout to pay for our items.
I don't mind going shopping with my mom because we always have a good time and it's nice to spend time with her. However, sometimes I get bored walking around the store and looking at all the products. Overall, I think shopping can be enjoyable as long as you're with someone you like and you have a plan of what you need to buy.