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Что собирается делать Ханна?
What Hannah is going to make?
She is going to make some chocolate chip cookies
Как по вашему мнению получились ее печеньки?
How in your opinion her cookies turned out?
I think her chocolate chip cookies turned out pretty good
Вы бы хотели приготовить такие печенья? Почему?
Would you like to make such cookies? Why? I'd like to make such cookies because I have sweet tooth
Вы любите готовить сложные блюда или простые?
Do you like to make difficult dishes or simple?
I don't like to spend much time on cooking, so I don't like to make difficult dishes.
Какое название было у печенюшек?
What was the name of those cookies? They have such name like chocolate chip cookies
Они были благодарны мне за помощь They were grateful for me for the help I did.
Он хвастался тем что тусовался со старшеклассниками
He bragged that he was hanging out with high graders
Это должно быть твой друг о котором ты мне говорил.
This is supposed to be your friend that you talked about
Я готовилась к тесту неделю и не хочу облажаться
I was preparing for the test during a week and I don't want to mess this up
Торт получился довольно хорошо
The cake turned out pretty good
Мне не хватало ингредиентов и я решила докупить остальное с продуктового магазина
There were no much ingredients and I've decided to get the rest of the ingredients from the grocery store
Знаешь что, я думаю нужно быть немного терпеливее
You know what, I think that need to be more patient
Ты можешь добавить туда немного сахарной пудры. Точно, будет бомбический вкус
There you can add (put) some caster sugar. Exactly, it'll taste fire
What is Hannah going to do?
She is going to make chocolate chip cookies.
How do you think her cookies turned out?
I think her chocolate chip cookies turned out pretty well.
Would you like to make such cookies? Why?
I would like to make such cookies because I have a sweet tooth.
Do you like to make difficult or simple dishes?
I don't like to spend much time on cooking, so I prefer to make simple dishes.
What were the cookies called?
They were called chocolate chip cookies.
They were grateful to me for the help I provided.
He boasted that he hung out with high school students.
This is supposed to be the friend you told me about.
I prepared for the test for a week and don't want to fail.
The cake turned out pretty well.
I was missing some ingredients, so I decided to buy the rest at the grocery store.
You know what, I think we need to be a little more patient.
You can add some powdered sugar there. Exactly, it will taste fantastic.
вроде бы, всё правильно
печеньки вкусные наверно...