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London is the capital of Great Britain. The city was founded about 2 000 years ago, It's population is more than 9 million people. It is one of the largest cities in the world. London takes part in political, economic and cultural life of England. It has an airport and a port. The city is arranged on meridian of zero. The historical and administrative centre of London is Westminster. Buckingham Palace has been the official residence of British monarchs since the reign of Queen Victoria. The underground of London is the oldest in the world.
The most beautiful part of London is the West End. The best hotels, restaurants, shops, clubs and parks are situated there. The industrial district of London is the East End. There are many factories and the Port of London.
London is famous for its wonderful museums and art galleries.
The National Gallery is one of the most important picture galleries in the world. The Tate Gallery contains contemporary works by French masters.
The British Museum is the largest and richest of its kind in the world.
Big Ben is the most famous clock tower of the Houses of Parliament. The Tower of London has rich history as a royal palace, a fortress, a prison and a place of execution. Not far from the Tower guests can see St. Paul’s Cathedral, originally designed by Sir Christopher Wren. In the middle of Trafalgar Square tourists stop to admire a 52-metre Nelson’s column dedicated to Admiral Lord Nelson.
The best places for quiet relaxation are traditional English parks and gardens. The tourists’ favorites are Kew Gardens, Hyde Park, St. James’s Park, Green Park and Kensington Gardens. Right in the heart of the capital we can find London Zoo and London Aquarium. In Madame Tussauds Museum visitors will meet face to face with hundreds of celebrities. The London Eye is a giant wheel that carries its visitors in one of its capsules for breathtaking experience above the city and its attractions. It's worth seeing!