Предмет: Геометрия, автор: annakormilo5

2. Сторонами трикутника не мо- жуть бути відрізки, довжини яких дорівнюють: A) 1000 см, 1000 см, 0,01 см; Б) 0,01 см, 0,01см, 0,01см; B) 17 см, 12 см, 28 см; г) 0,99 см, 0,01 см, 1 см. Допоможіть Будь ласка!!!​


Автор ответа: Ameba1kletochnaya


думаю вариант г

первая теорема неравенства треугольников гласит, что сума двух сторон должна быть больше длины большой стороны отсюда и получается, что все варианты кроме г подходят


Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним
Задание 1. Установите соответствие заголовков A — F текстам 1—5. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A)Sport in our life.
B)The history of Olympic Games.
C)Winter Games.
D)World language
E)Wonderful trip
F)Sport in Russia.

1)English is very popular nowadays. It’s the language of computers, science, business, sport and politics. English is an amazing language, the language of great literature. Half of the world’s scientific literature is published in English. Nearly half of the world’s business deals in Europe are conducted in English. It’s the language of sports and glamour, being the official language of the Olympic Games and the Miss Universe Competition. English is the official voice of the air and the sea.

2)The original Olympic Games began in ancient Greece in 776 B.C. These games were part of a festival held every fourth year in honour of God Zeus at the place called Olympia. It was a great athletic festival, including competitions in wrestling, foot racing and chariot racing, rowing and others.

3)Sport not only helps people to become strong and to develop physically but also makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities. It makes for a healthy mind in a healthy body. Sports help people to keep in good health. Among the sports popular in our country are football, basketball, swimming, volleyball, ice hockey, tennis, gymnastics, figure skating. A person can choose sports and games for any season, for any taste.

4)Last year my brother and I went to Turkey. This trip left the best impression on me. We took advantage of the excellent weather and went on different tours, for example, rafting. We took ourselves by a raft and a kayak through the picturesque mountainous region of Southern Turkey. Besides, we found new places, saw impressive sights and got acquainted with new people.

5)Russian people like to do many different sports. In summer they usually swim a lot, roller-skate and ride a bicycle. All sports grounds are crowded with football lovers. But winter sports are closer to Russian people. As soon as the first snow falls, nearly all the livers of the country take their cross-country skis and lay out a ski trail.