скласти 7 речень "to be going to"
1. I am going to study for my exams tomorrow.
2. They are going to buy a new car next month.
3. She is going to visit her grandparents in the countryside next weekend.
4. He is going to start his own business next year.
5. We are going to watch a movie at the cinema tonight.
6. They are going to move to a new apartment next week.
7. She is going to cook a delicious dinner for her family tonight.
1 I am going to visit my grandmother tomorrow. (Я збираюся завтра відвідати свою бабусю.)
2 They are going to buy a new car next week. (Вони збираються купити нову машину наступного тижня.)
3 She is going to start a new job in March. (Вона збирається почати нову роботу в березні.)
4 We are going to have a picnic in the park this weekend. (Ми збираємося провести пікнік у парку цієї неділі.)
5 He is going to study abroad next year. (Він збирається вивчати за кордоном наступного року.)
6 They are going to get married in the summer. (Вони збираються одружитися влітку.)
7 The company is going to launch a new product next month. (Компанія збирається запустити новий продукт наступного місяця.)