Think about other animals that can have the following body parts and write them down.
1) Mane:
2) Shell:
3) Tusk:
4) Horn:
Mane: A mane is a long, thick growth of hair that is found on the neck and shoulders of some mammals. Some animals that have a mane include lions, horses, zebras, and some species of wild dogs such as African wild dogs and Ethiopian wolves.
Shell: A shell is a hard, protective outer layer that is found on the body of some animals. Some animals that have a shell include turtles, tortoises, snails, clams, oysters, and crabs.
Tusk: A tusk is a long, protruding tooth that is found in some animals. Some animals that have tusks include elephants, walruses, and wild boars.
Horn: A horn is a pointed projection that is found on the head of some animals. Some animals that have horns include cattle, goats, sheep, antelopes, rhinoceroses, and some species of deer such as elk and moose.
1. Mane: lions, horses, zebras, giraffes, antelopes
(Грива: львы, лошади, зебры, жирафы, антилопы)
2. Shell: snails, crabs, armadillos, turtles
(Панцирь/ракушка: улитки, крабы, броненосцы, черепахи)
3. Tusk: elephants, walruses, narwhals, hippopotamuses
(Бивень: слоны, моржи, нарвалы, гиппопотамы)
4. Horn: deers, rhinos, goats, buffalos
(Рог: олени, носороги, козлы, буйволы)