Предмет: Математика, автор: aylamusazade0

10. Вычислите удобным способом : 23,04²+2 5,06 23,04+5,06²​


Автор ответа: ildar502020

Ответ:       789.61.

Пошаговое объяснение:

23,04²+2* 5,06* 23,04+5,06²​ = (23.04+5.06)^2 = 28.1^2 = 789.61.

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Математика, автор: ingazukova28
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: даун1337228
Задания по английскому, 7 класс, 70 баллов
I. Choose the right form to complete the sentences

1) There is (little/a little) water in the pond. You can’t swim there.

2) (Not many/not much) people live to be a hundred years old.

3) John (have been writing/wrote/has been writing) his poem since previous year.

4) I have always (loved/loving/been loved) you.

5) I would like you to speak about chemistry in a (scientific/science) way.

6) I don’t think that water lilies can grow in dry (land/earth/soil/ground).

II. Use the verbs in Past Simple or Present Perfect Progressive

1) How long you (live) here? – We (live) here for ten years.

2) It’s raining now. In fact, it (rain) all day.

3) It (start) raining at 9 a.m. in the morning.

4) I (wait) for you since 4 p.m. I’m glad you have come at last.

5) The girls (dance) since the afternoon and they are very tired now.

6) They (travel) for a month already. Can you say please when they will come back home

III. Translate the sentences

1) I have been waiting for you since this morning! I’m so tired.

2) The United Arab Emirates is one of the biggest economy center in our world. Every country wants to have such rich economy and powerful political and economic influence on the whole world.

3) Some bad developed countries can survive only with the help of their natural resources.

4) We must improve our behavior to the environment and protect it because its well-being depends on us and has a large influence on our life and our own well-being…such a paradox!

5) I’m sorry I want to tell you some necessary information about pollution from our factories. It won’t waste too much of your time.
Предмет: Українська література, автор: tiksentakenyt
Даю 100 б за правельный ответ, Спам бан, прошуу
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