Предмет: География, автор: Аноним

Еквакторіальний,Тропічний, Помірний, Арктичний, Антарктичний

Визначити їхні:Географічне положення, Особливості повітряних мас
Кліматичні показники СКОРІШЕ 25 БІЛІВ ОСТАННІ І КОРОНА ЯКЩО НЕ ЗНАЄТЕ НЕ ПИШІТЬ БУДУ ФЛАЖОК СТАВИТИ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Автор ответа: Аноним


Equatorial climate zone:

Geographical position: Located near the equator between 5° north latitude and 5° south latitude.

Features of the affected masses: High temperatures and humidity throughout the year, with little seasonal variation. Abundant rainfall with no dry season.

Climate indicators: high annual temperatures (above 25°C), high annual precipitation (over 2mm), high humidity and lack of distinct seasons.

Tropical climate zone:

Geographical position: Located between the Tropic of Cancer (23.5°N) and the Tropic of Capricorn (23.5°S).

Features of affected masses: High temperatures all year round with distinct wet and dry seasons

Climatic indicators: high annual temperatures (over 20 °C), seasonal precipitation (wet and dry seasons) and moderate and high humidity.

The climatic zone is temperate or Pomirny:

Geographical position: Located between 30° and 60° latitude in both hemispheres.

Features of affected masses: Moderate temperatures with four distinct seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter). Precipitation varies by season.

Climatic indicators: moderate annual temperatures (between 10°C and 20°C), various seasons and moderate rainfall.

Arctic climate zone:

Geographical position: Located near the North Pole, beyond the Arctic Circle.

Features of affected masses: Cold temperatures all year round, with long winters and short summers. Very little precipitation.

Climate indicators: extreme low annual temperatures (below 0°C), very low rainfall (less than 250 mm per year) and permafrost (permanently frozen ground)

Antarctic climate zone:

Geographical position: Located near the South Pole, within the Antarctic Circle.

Features of affected masses: Extremely low temperatures all year round, with long winters and short summers. Very little precipitation.

Climate indicators: extremely low annual temperatures (below 0°C), very little rainfall (less than 250 mm per year) and permanent ice cover.

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