1 Complete the story of Dymonde with the correct form of the words in the list. a band | compose | download | enter | live | lyrics | on tour | record | release the charts
Alan Bolan is a musican. He______ his own music and writes 2 ____One day he A few Alan Bolan is a musician. He ¹ decided to 3_____ start so he put an advert in the paper. He soon found the band mates he was looking for. They practised hard and started 4____ performing months ago they decided to ⁵_____ a talent show. They won the competition and their prize was a day in a recording studio. They used it to 6____ Me Never. They a single called Love the single on their website two weeks ago, and loads of people it. It's already entered it loads, too. Next month they are going 10____ predicting a big future for Dymonde. have been 8 ____Radio stations have been playing all over the country. Rock critics are

Alan Bolan is a musican. He 1) composes his own music and writes 2) lyrics. One day he decided to start 3) a band so he put an advert in the paper. He soon found the band mates he was looking for. They practised hard and started performing 4) live. A few months ago they decided to 5) enter a talent show. They won the competition and their prize was a day in a recording studio. They used it to 6) record a single called Love Me Never. They 7) released the single on their website two weeks ago, and loads of people have been 8) downloading it. It's already entered 9) the charts. Radio stations have been playing it loads, too. Next month they are going 10) on tour all over the country. Rock critics are predicting a big future for Dymonde.
1. to compose music - писать музыку;
2. to write lyrics - писать тексты песен;
3. to start a band - создать группу:
4. to perform live - выступать вживую;
5. to enter a talent show - участвовать в шоу талантов;
6. to record a single - записать сингл;
7. to release a single - выпустить сингл;
8. to download - загружать;
9. enter the chart - войти в чарт;
10. go on tour - отправиться в турне.