Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ruslan2344505

I. Transform the sentences into the Passive Voice.
1) Alex learned a poem.
2) Students handed in their reports at the end of the lesson.
3) Maria fed her cat yesterday.
4) Julia bought a cat.
5) Steven left a book.
6) They play handball at this sports ground.
7) He borrowed this book from the library.
8) Peter gave me these photographs two days ago.
9)Frank built a house.
10)A mechanic repaired the DVD recorder.
11)Sue puts her rucksack on the floor.
12)They lost the match last week.
13)She checks her mail every morning.


Автор ответа: KvashkaAndSequt

1. A poem was learned by Alex.

2. Reports were handed in by the students at the end of the lesson.

3. Maria's cat was fed yesterday.

4. A cat was bought by Julia.

5. A book was left by Steven.

6. Handball is played at this sports ground.

7. This book was borrowed from the library by him.

8. These photographs were given to me by Peter two days ago.

9. A house was built by Frank.

10. The DVD recorder was repaired by a mechanic.

11. Her rucksack is put on the floor by Sue.

12. The match was lost by them last week.

13. Her mail is checked every morning by her.

Автор ответа: stighor



1. A poem was learned by Alex.
2. Reports were handed in by students at the end of the lesson.
3. Maria's cat was fed by Maria yesterday.
4. A cat was bought by Julia.
5. A book was left by Steven.
6. Handball is played at this sports ground.
7. This book was borrowed from the library.
8. These photographs were given me by Peter two days ago.
9. A house was built by Frank.
10. The DVD recorder was repaired by a mechanic.
11) Sue's rucksack is put on the floor by Sue.
12) The match was lost last week.
13) Her mail is checked every morning.

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