Предмет: Українська література, автор: proskurenkoanna92

Опишіть коротко головних героїнь казки Цві та Рінь.


Автор ответа: arinacubak0072


Цві - це молода, красива та добра дівчина, яка змушена жити зі своєю заздрісною та злиденною мачухою та її доньками. Цві зображується як працьовита та ввічлива, а також наділена магічними здібностями, що допомагають їй подолати всі перешкоди на шляху до щастя.

Рінь - це дочка злиденної міщанки, яка знаходить своє щастя завдяки знайомству з Цві. Рінь зображується як красива, приваблива та добра дівчина, яка цінує дружбу та любов більше, ніж матеріальні блага. Вона стає найкращою подругою Цві та разом вони переживають багато пригод та випробувань.

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нужно дополнить 4 предложения ( прочитав текст )
III. Complete the sentences.
1. Kind masters gave one more day ___.
2. At presents on Mother's Day people visit ___.
3. This holiday is celebrated on the ___.
4. The girls missed their ___.

Mothering Sunday
In Great Britain there is a very nice tradition. It is called Mother­ing Sunday. This holiday is celebrated on the second Sunday in May and is very popular not only in England, but also in the United States of America.
The history of this tradition goes in old days in England. When village girls worked in the houses of rich people in town, they had only one day off a week. Usually it was Monday. The girls missed their fam­ilies and mothers who stayed at their native homes and wanted to visit them.
Kind masters gave one more day for the girls to go and visit their mothers in the village. Traditionally it was the second Sunday in May. The girls went to their villages, met their relatives and helped the mothers about the house.
At presents on Mother's Day people visit their mothers, if possi­ble, give them flowers and small presents. If they cannot come, they send "A Mother's Day Card". The families try to give the mother little rest on this day. Sometimes the father and the children cook breakfast. They help with cooking some other meals and do the washing up.
On Mother's Day the children say "thank you" to their mothers for taking care of them during the whole year. They give the holiday card to the mother and a little present — some flowers or a box of sweets.