Допоможіть будь ласка срочнооо!!
Напишіть офіційний лист на тему:
Ви щойно повернулися з Шотландії, де брали участь у благодійній акції. Під час вашого візиту ви зупинилися в приймаючій родині. Напишіть листа з подякою за те, що дозволили вам залишитися в їхньому домі.
Dear [Host Family],
I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for welcoming me into your home during my recent trip to Scotland.
The charity event I participated in was a great success, but it was made all the more enjoyable by the warm and hospitable environment you provided. Your kindness and generosity made me feel like part of the family, and I am so grateful for the memories we shared during my stay.
I was particularly touched by the effort you put into ensuring that I was comfortable and well-fed, and I will always cherish the meals we shared together. Your home was a haven of warmth and comfort, and I was sorry to have to leave when my trip came to an end.
Thank you once again for your incredible hospitality. I will always remember my time with you fondly, and I hope to have the opportunity to repay your kindness one day soon.
With heartfelt thanks,
[Your Name]