Предмет: История, автор: nastya10polo

перелічити причини політичної децентралізації Русі-України в 12-13 ст, будь ласка!​


Автор ответа: bobro228


Уже у XII ст. на території Русі-України з’явилася низка самостійних князівств і земель: Галицьке, Волинське, Київське, Муромське, Переяславське, Полоцько-Мінське, Ростово-Суздальське, Смоленське, Тмутороканське, Турово-Пінське, Чернігівське князівства та Новгородська і Псковська землі. На початку XIII ст. їхня кількість зросла до 50, а в XIV ст. — до 250.

На сьогодні не існує єдиної точки зору щодо характеру, причин і передумов політичної децентралізації Русі-України. Більшість істориків характеризують роздробленість як «феодальну» за аналогією з подібними процесами в державах Західної Європи. Таким чином, період політичної децентралізації в історії Русі-України є закономірним етапом розвитку держави.


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Benny and Freddie were walking through the schoolyard. Unlike most of the students who were joyfully leaving the school, the boys looked thoughtful. "What are you going to do, Freddie?" asked Ben. "I have no idea!" exclaimed Fred desperately. "If only I had chosen a sports club instead of eco-helping!" "It's too late, Fred," said Ben. "Now we have to take part in the eco-helping club events as its members. Let's go to the club right now and choose something." "I'm absolutely not excited about this idea. But we have no choice anyway. Let's agree to choose something that takes the least efforts and time!" Fred offered. The boys passed through the main gates and turned right. It took them about a quarter of an hour to reach the building of the eco-club. It was a nice two-storey house surrounded by neatly trimmed rose bushes and fruit trees. Ben noticed several handmade nesting boxes on the branches. The boys passed through the open doors and saw rakes and spades piled up on the floor. They had to move carefully among watering cans, bags, buckets and other gardening tools. Finally, they saw a door with a sign saying "Club President". The boys heard loud voices behind the door. They knocked and asked if they could come in. No one answered. After a minute or two someone finally let them in. Fred and Ben saw a crowded room where boys and girls of their age were passionately discussing something. The two friends made their way to the only desk where a girl was sitting deep in thoughts and writing something down. "Hello!" Ben said in a loud voice. "My name's Ben, and he is Fred. We've joined the club this morning!" "Hi! I'm Pam! I'm the president of the eco-club," the girl at the desk greeted them with a smile. She got up and raised her hand asking for silence. Everyone stopped talking and looked at her. "Let's welcome our newcomers Ben and Fred!" The club members greeted boys cheerfully and went quiet again. "We are discussing our monthly plan right now. You can choose the event to take part in. What about cleaning the nearest beach on Saturday?" asked Pam. The boys looked at each other with hesitation and Fred said, "I'm afraid we're busy on the weekend." "Fine. Then ... Maybe you could help us repair and paint the roof of the club on Tuesday?" The boys stared at her. "Well …" began Fred carefully selecting the words, "I'm not sure …" "I see," Pam frowned. "You thought eco-club is a place where you could chill out doing nothing. Well, you are wrong. Here we try to protect the natural environment, we keep our town clean and neat, we collect rubbish, publish a magazine about recycling, inform the residents on current ecological issues — there is so much to do! We don't need anyone lazy here. If you want to be the club members, you will have to do something useful." The boys blushed. After a moment, Ben looked at Pam with a shy smile and asked, "Maybe we could clean the mess in the hallway to apologise and start all over?"

1. Ben and Fred (were excited\weren't eager) to join the eco-club
2. Ben chose an eco-club. Fred chose (the eco-club too/ a sports club)
3. (Fred\Ben) offered to join the least difficult eco-activity.
4. The eco-club's building was (quite far from school/ right next)
5. In the club's garden, Ben saw (watering can/ snesting boxes)
6. The hallway of the building was (nice and neat / filled with tools)
7. The Club President ( welcomed the boys in the doorway / greeted the boys when they came up to her desk)
8. Pam (gave the boys a choice of activities \ told the boys they didn't have to do anything)
9. Pam understood that the boys (were not excited about being eco-helpers \ were not experienced enough to repair the roof)
10. Fred ( chose cleaning the beach \ tried to avoid any activity)
11. The Club President ( explained how to protect the natural environment \ warned the boys not to be lazy)
12. Fred and Ben (were ashamed \ didn't care about Pam's words)
13. The boys decided (to quit the eco-club and join a sports one \ to join the club and help them clean up)