ILLNESSES adud 1. I have a sore throat. 2. have a flu. 3. I have a cold. 4. I have a toothache. 5. I have cut my finger. 6. I have a headache. 7. I have an earache. 8. I have a rash. 9. I have a stomach ache. 10. I have a swollen ankle. 11. I have a temperature. 12. I have a cough. 13. I have sprained my wrist. 14. I have burnt my hand. 15. I have a pain in my chest. 16. I have a backache. 17.I have a broken arm. 18. I have lost my voice. 19. My knee hurts. 20. I feel sick. 21. I have sprained my wrist. 22. I have a black eye. My name is... Date: . .I'm in class. ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО.

1. He was at the park, wasn't he?
2. They are bussy, aren't they?
3. She can't ride a bike, can she?
4. You have been there, haven't you?
5. They were there, weren't they?
6. He isn't sad, is he?
7. You couldn't sleep, could you?
8. You aren't in the class, are you?
9. She can skate, can't she?
10. He isn't at the university, is he?
11. They weren't at the beach, were they?
12. She wasn't taking the medicine, was she?
13. You could stay at home, couldn't you?
14. She wasn't in the market, was she?
15. You can't drive a car, can you?
16. They weren't at home, were they?
17. We have gone together, haven't we?
18. We are in the fourth grade, aren't we?
19. He isn't working, is he?
20. She couldn't sell the clothe, could she?
Если первая часть разделительного вопроса утвердительная, то вторая должна быть отрицательная.
He was at the park, wasn't he? — Первая часть утвердительная, потому что в ней нет частицы not. Тогда во второй части она должна быть. Там будет тот же глагол, что и в первой части, просто с not. После этого надо добавить подлежащее.