1. linguistic shifts, spelling variances, and dialect changes
meaning changes
2. more direct and simplified sentences
pronunciation and spelling changes
3. borrowed and coined words
punctuation changes
4. amelioration and pejoration
vocabulary changes
linguistic shifts, spelling variances, and dialect changes
Refers to changes in the way a language is used over time, including differences in pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and usage.
more direct and simplified sentences
Refers to changes in sentence structure and style, making language use more straightforward and easy to understand.
borrowed and coined words
Refers to the introduction of new words into a language, either from other languages or through the creation of new words to describe new concepts.
amelioration and pejoration
Refers to changes in the meaning of words over time, including an improvement in the positive connotations of a word (amelioration) or a decline in the positive connotations of a word (pejoration).
pronunciation and spelling changes
Refers to changes in the way words are pronounced and spelled over time, including differences in regional dialects and changes in pronunciation and spelling conventions.
punctuation changes
Refers to changes in the way punctuation marks are used in writing, including changes in the rules for using punctuation marks and the conventions for placing punctuation marks in written texts.
vocabulary changes
Refers to changes in the words used in a language over time, including the introduction of new words and the decline in use of older words.