Предмет: Английский язык, автор: p07955779

Work in pairs. Read an email describing a trip and discuss. What were the good/bad things about the trip?
Hi Paolo. I hope you're well. I've just got back from my trip to Poland. It was wonderful. First we flew to Warsaw. We were only there for two days, but we managed to see lots of interesting sights like the Royal Castle and the National Museum. Then we had a day in Kraków, which was beautiful, especially the huge square in the Old Town. Unfortunately, after a while, it started raining so we spent the afternoon chatting with locals in a bar. After that, we took a train to Łódź. I loved it. We visited various museums and walked along the famous Piotrkowska Street. Finally, we caught the plane back home. It was a great trip and we met lots of really friendly Poles, who promised to visit us in Spain! Love,Irina​


Автор ответа: lilegorodnikovoj


good things about the trip

Irina managed to see lots of interesting sights like the Royal Castle and the National Museum in Warsaw. Then they had a day in Kraków, which was beautiful, especially the huge square in the Old Town. After that, they  took a train to Łódź. She loved it. She visited various museums and walked along the famous Piotrkowska Street. It was a great trip and they met lots of really friendly Poles.

bad things about the trip    Unfortunately, in Warsaw after a  while it started raining so they spent the afternoon chatting with locals in a bar.


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