Предмет: Химия, автор: Аноним

Оберіть правильні відповіді ( їх може бути дві і більше) - 1.Позначте символ та одиниці вимірювання молярної маси речовини: А. М Б. М В.г г. г/моль. 2. Умовами застосування закону Авогадро с: А. газоподібний стан речовини В. Рiдкий стан речовини Б. Р,V, Т - постійні Г. P,V, Т- зміні 3. Кількість речовини є співвідношення таких величин: А., Б, В Г. 4.Легшими за повiтря є такі гази: A. Oz Б N2 B H2 гсо​


Автор ответа: heisenberg005

1) А(М); Г(г/моль)

2) А(газообразное состояние вещества);

3) m/M; V/Vm; N/Ną;

4) Б(N2); В(Н2); Г(СО)

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: nnnnnnn91
the correct variant.
, вибачте, що я спізнився.
A I was sorry to be late.
¿tam sorry that you are late.
B I was sorry to have been late.
кажуть, що віне тковідомий художник.
D I am sorry to be late.
A He says that be S wevery famous artist.
He is said to be a very famous artist.
B He was said to be a very famous artist.
Шкода, що я не лікар.
D He said that he was a very famous artist.
I wish I have been a doctor.
Ciwish to be a doctor.
Цю книгу варто прочитати.
B I wish I were a doctor.
D I should like to be a doctor.
This book is worth reading.
This book was worth reading.
з, Листа щойно відиравлено.
B This book looks like reading.
D This book looked worth reading.
A The letter is just sent.
C The letter was just sent.
B The letter has just been sent.
D The letter had just sent.
6. Він каже, но 1 му подобасться грати у шахи.
A He says he is fond of playing chess.
He said he is enjoyed playing chess.
B He has said that he enjoyed playing chess.
D He said he would enjoy playing chess.
Учням не дозволено користуватися підручниками під час контрольної роботи.
A They allowed to use the textbooks while writing their test papers.
§ The pupils are not allowed to use the textbooks while writing their test papers
C The pupils were not allowed to use the textbooks while writing their test papers. p The pupils will not be allowed to use the textbooks while writing their test papers.
він не написав батькам жодного листа відтоді, як поїхав до Львова.
He didn't write any letter to the parents since he left for Lviv.
B He don't write any letter to the parents since he left for Lviv, C He didn't write any letter to the parents since he has left for Lviv.
D He hasn't written any letter to the parents since he left for Lviv.
9. Що Ви скажете батькам, якщо вони зателефонують Вам увечері?
A What will you say if your parents will telephone you in the evening?
B What can be said to your parents if they would telephone you in the evening?
C What will you say to your parents if they shall telephone you in the evening?
D What will you say to your parents if they telephone you in the evening?
10. На вулиці стоїть якийсь чоловік.
A The man stays in the street.
B This man is staying in the street.
D That man is staying in the street.
C A man is staying in the street.
Test 307
Mark the correct variant.
1. Він цікавиться історією.
A He is interested in studying History.
B He was interested in studying History.
D He is interested studying History.
C He interested in studying History.
2. Я розповіла б тобі про зустріч випускників, якби я побачила тебе завтра.
A If I saw you tomorrow, I should have told you about the meeting of school leavers.
B If I saw you tomorrow, I should tell you about the meeting of school leavers.
C If I see you tomorrow, I should tell you about the meeting of school leavers.
DIfI should see you tomorrow, I told you about the meeting of school leavers.
3. Необхідно, щоб усі учні розуміли пояснення вчителя.
A It is necessary that all pupils to understand teacher's explanation.
B It is necessary that all pupils will understand the teacher's explanation.
C It is necessary that all pupils understand the teacher's explanation.
D Necessary that all pupils understand the teacher's explanation.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: nnnnnnn91
На Вашому місці я купила б цей фотоапарат.
A I have to buy the camera if I was you. B I would buy the camera if I was you.
C I should buy the camera if I were you.
10. Мені сказали, що вона вивчала французьку мову два роки тому.
D I shall buy the camera if I were you.
A I was told that she had learnt French two years ago.
B I am told that she had learnt French two years ago.
C I was told that she has learnt French two years ago
Test 305
D I said that she has learnt French two years ago.
Mark the correct variant.
Читання - мое улюблене заняття.
A Reading my favourite hobby.
C Reading is a favourite hobby.
B Reading is my favourite hobby.
D Reading is favourite hobby.
2. Дякую за те, що відвідали нас.
A Thank you for visited us
B Thank for having visited us.
C Thank you for having visited us.
D Thank you having visited us.
3. Вона працює у цій школі вже 15 років
A She is working in this school for 15 years.
B' She has been working in this school for 15 years.
C She works in this school for 15 years.
D She was working in this school for 15 years.
4. Коли мама прийшла додому, діти вже помили посуд.
A When the mother came home, the children had already washed the dishes.
B When the mother came home, the children washed the dishes.
C When the mother came home, the children were washing the dishes.
D When the mother came home, the children had to wash the dishes.
5. Відомо, що наш учитель - дуже талановитий.
A Our teacher is known that he is a very talented man.
B Our teacher has been known to be a very talented man.
C Our teacher was known to be a very talented man.
D Our teacher is known to be a very talented man.
6. Дівчина хотіла знати, чи візьме вона участь у змаганні.
A The girl wanted to know if she is going to take part in the competitions.
B The girl has to know if she would take part in the competitions.
C The girl wanted to know if she would take part in the competition.
D The girl wanted to know if she should take part in the competitions.
7. Ви вже бачили цей фільм?
A Did you see this film?
C Were you see this film?
B Have you already seen this film?
D Do you see this film?
8. Він сказав, що напише листа вчасно
A He said he writes the letter in time.
B He said he will write the letter in time.
C He says he would write the letter in time.
D He said that he would write the letter in time.
9. Ви можете взяти будь-який олівець зі столу.
A You may take some pencil from the table.
B You mav take these pencils from the table.
C You may take any pencil from the table.
D You may take the pencil from the table.
10. Коли вона зателефонувала, ми вечеряли.
A When she telephoned, we were having supper.
B When she telephoned, we had had supper.
© When she telephoned, we had supper.
D When she telephoned, we were had to have supper.
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: ykola06