Предмет: Английский язык, автор: makskarpiuk40

Writing (an email of advice) 1 Read the email and put paragraphs A-C in the correct order. A B C I really hope my advice helps. Write back and tell me what happens. Nick Hi Luke. I'm sorry to hear that your new flatmate plays video games day and night on your TV. I think I can help you. 1) The best thing you can do is to talk about this with your flatmate. 2) This way, you can explain to him how you feel and make him realise that he can't keep playing video games all the time, as this is your TV. Maybe he doesn't realise that it upsets you. Also, 3) I think you should suggest that you share the TV or he buys his own TV and then he can play video games in his room. I also think that you should invite your flatmate to go out with you and your friends. It's possible he is lonely and has got nothing else better to do than play video games all the time. 4) If you do this, everything should be fine.


Автор ответа: Аноним


Hi Luke. I'm sorry to hear that your new flatmate plays video games day and night on your TV. I think I can help you. The best thing you can do is to talk about this with your flatmate. This way, you can explain to him how you feel and make him realise that he can't keep playing video games all the time, as this is your TV. Maybe he doesn't realise that it upsets you.

I also think that you should suggest that you share the TV or he buys his own TV and then he can play video games in his room. Additionally, I think you should invite your flatmate to go out with you and your friends. It's possible he is lonely and has got nothing else better to do than play video games all the time.

If you do this, everything should be fine. I really hope my advice helps. Write back and tell me what happens.



makskarpiuk40: дякую
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