Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Lokerfor9400

помогите с русским

Спишите, расставляя знаки препинания.

1. Конечно (не) приятно что дома будут беспокоит(?). (Л. Кассиль).2. Коло(н,нн) а должно быть давно уже сн…лась на вывозку хлеба. (П.Павленко). 3. Город наверно выгл…дит се…одня совсем иначе. (Л.Кассиль). 4. Кто например слышал что у нас в Ленинградской области студеной зимой вылезают из земли бескрылые комарики и бегают босиком по снегу? ( В. Бианки.) 5. Я был безболезне(н,нн)о застенчив угрюм и очень печален. Теперь этому пожалуй трудно поверить. (В. Каверин.) 6. Итак лодка исчезла. 7. Во-первых Олег настоящий парень во-вторых он мой лучш..й друг-значит парень надежный. В-третьих он лучше Жоры зна..т ребят из школы Горького. (А. Фадеев).

-Выпишите вводные слова, распределяя их в зависимости от значений.

Вводные предложения.


Автор ответа: servmis83


1) Конечно неприятно, что дома будут беспокоить?

2) Колона, должно быть, давно уже снялась на вывозку хлеба.

3) Город, наверно, выглядит сегодня совсем иначе.

4) Кто, например, слышал, что у нас в Ленинградской области студёной зимой вылезают из земли бескрылые комарики и бегают босиком по снегу?

5) Я был безболезненно застенчив, угрюм и очень печален. Теперь этому, пожалуй, трудно поверить.

6) Итак, лодка исчезла.

7) Во-первых, Олег настоящий парень, во-вторых, он мой лучший друг - значит парень надёжный. В-третьих, он лучше Жоры знает ребят из школы Горького

Автор ответа: tamarazimareva


объяснения ха


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Why Do People Work?

A simple question which goes deeper than the obvious answer, «То earn enough is to live on». Psychologists have found that mental and physical activity - and work in particular - is a

dominant human driving force. Some argue that it is the same set of motivators which led a primitive man to hunt and fight in a tribal setting.

Are some motives more basic than others? Many psychologists refer to the theory of Abraham Maslow, a humanistic psychologist, which suggests that motives are ordered. Maslow felt that human beings are born with five systems of needs which are arranged in the hierarchy.

People remain «wanting animals» all their lives. As one set of needs (motives) is taken care of, a new set replaces it. We work our way up through various systems in order. Maslow's theory begins with physiological needs, such as food, water, oxygen, sex, protection from temperature extremes, activity. These needs for survival are the strongest. They must be satisfied to some degree before other needs appear. If only one of them remains unsatisfied, it may dominate all the others. Once human physiological needs are satisfied, the other needs arise. Adults want stable jobs, saving accounts, and insurance. Thus adequate pay and working conditions are of fundamental

importance. When safety needs are achieved, people seek to love and be loved. The family is the most important unit where they receive support. In larger organization it is the team, the department, the company, the trade union or the profession which may satisfy the need.
Once love needs are satisfied, needs to be esteemed by oneself and others dominate. People want to be valued in their communities, at work and at home. They want to respect

themselves. Self-esteem is an important part of job satisfaction and is another step in the hierarchy. It means that the individual understands the contribution needed from him and is receiving recognition for making it. Words of congratulation and rewards are necessary things for self-esteem.

The final step is the release of potential. This may be a simple ambition to succeed or the desire to make a contribution to a body of knowledge. People struggle to realize their potentials and to fulfil their ideals. Maslow theorized that these needs predominate in healthy personalities. In his view, only 1 per

cent of Americans achieve self-actualization. Why is it so rare?

Most of us, Maslow believed, are blind to our true potentials. We conform to cultural stereotype rather than for persona! needs.

Concerns about safety make us fearful of risk taking and closed to new experiences.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a dominant human driving force?

2. What do you know of Abraham Maslow?

3. What system of needs does he suggest?

4. What are the strongest human needs, according to his hierarchy?

5. What do adults want to receive when their physiological needs are satisfied?

6. What do people seek when safety needs are achieved?

7. Where can people receive support?

8. What does self-esteem mean?

9. How do people try to realize their potentials?

10.Why do most people fail to realize their potentials?

III. Find the facts in the text to prove that:

1. Human beings are born with five systems of needs.

2. People remain «wanting animals» all their lives.

3. The family is the most important unit.

4. People do not realize their potentials completely.

IV. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

Give your arguments:

1. Mental and physical activity is a dominant driving force.

2. Safety needs are the strongest in human beings.

3. In their work people do not think of their self-esteem at all.

4. Most of us are blind to our true potentials.

V.Make up a list of problems raised in the text.

Which one is the most important? Why do you think so?

VI. Make up a plan of the text.

VII. Explain the theory of hierarchy suggested by A. Maslow​