Предмет: Литература, автор: vadimgarot34

Що зробило імена Ромео і Джульєтти безсмертними? аргументувати прикладами з тексту 40 Балооов!!!


Автор ответа: danilburlak58


Имена Ромео и Джульетты стали бессмертными благодаря их трагической истории любви, изображенной в пьесе Уильяма Шекспира «Ромео и Джульетта». Эта история о несчастных любовниках из враждующих семей веками покоряла сердца и воображение людей благодаря многочисленным адаптациям и пересказам в различных формах искусства и средств массовой информации. Вечные темы любви, потерь и последствий ненависти прочно вошли в историю, сделав их имена синонимами истинной любви и трагедии.

Например, во 2-м акте, сцена 2, Ромео говорит: «О, она учит факелы ярко гореть! Кажется, что она висит на щеке ночи, как драгоценный камень в ухе эфиопа». Это страстное признание в любви к Джульетте подчеркивает сильные эмоции, которые разделяла пара, и глубину их связи.

Кроме того, культовая сцена на балконе во втором акте, сцена 2, где Ромео и Джульетта обмениваются клятвами любви, является еще одним примером их вневременной привлекательности. Джульетта говорит: «Моя единственная любовь возникла из моей единственной ненависти! Слишком рано увидать неизвестного и узнать слишком поздно!» Эта линия говорит о меланхоличной судьбе их любви и иронии их положения.

В целом непреходящая популярность «Ромео и Джульетты» и сильные эмоции, изображенные в пьесе, сделали имена Ромео и Джульетты бессмертными.

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним
Is There a Secret of Long Life?
Mankind has been seeking to unravel the mystery of long life for more than millennium, with hundreds of hypotheses and theories being suggested. It has become evident that long life comes from a whole set of factors,
such as purely genetic, but also biological factors and, of course, successful social adaptation. Whereas until quite recently long life in the scientific community was the
subject of close attention for gerontologists alone, in recent years, biologists, ethnographers, ecologists,
psychologists and sociologists have also joined in with the research.
The distinctive feature of their approach is that
rather than examining individual centenarians, the scientists today study entire populations, i.e., large groups, among whom many people have lived long lives, and what is most essential, long lives in these groups have
become a regular occurrence in the course of history.
Scientists compare «long-living» groups with control populations with shorter lives in the vicinity.
Today’s centenarians are people who were as a rule born and lived in one place, without going anywhere, without changing either habits, occupations or diets.
Moreover, it has been discovered that the studies played down the role of the psychological factor. We call it «a
psychic health factor». It deserves special attention and can prove to be one of the main reasons for longevity as a regular occurrence. What is it?
In the first place, this is what we describe as the gerontophile atmosphere, a socio-psychological milieu of marked respect for the old people. This undoubtedly has a favourable effect on the tonus and optimistic mood among the elderly and maintains their interest in life and longevity as a whole.
Secondly, and this is even more important, there are anti - stress attitudes incorporated in society. These are mutual relations which are designed to relieve stress both among
individuals and whole groups. The strong family and kinship have a strong positive effect, especially in dramatic situations following death or illness. In other
words, we must live without stresses.
So anti-stress behaviour is perhaps the most important thing. With time this will enable the geneticists to extend the natural life span. However, we should not really pin
our hopes on this. A comprehensive study of longevity can help scientists not so much to increase the time that any human being spends here on Earth, as to prolong his
active life which is worth living as much as possible.

II. Answer the following questions:
1. What factors influence our life?
2. What scientists are interested in the problem of long life?
3. How do they organize their research?
4. What people comprise today'scentenarians?
5. What factor plays a leading role in longevity?
6. What is this factor called?
7. What is meant by the gerontophile atmosphere?
8. What attitude should be incorporated in society?
9. What is the aim of geneticists?

III. Find the facts in the text to prove that:
1. A great number of scientists are engaged in theresearch of long life.
2.The gerontophile atmosphere is necessary for people to live longer.
3.Anti-stress behaviour is the most important thing.
IV.Agree or disagree with the following statements.
Give your arguments.
1.It is quite possible to live a long life.
2.Only genetic factor plays a main part in the life span.
3.In stressful situations we become strong and healthy.
4.It is necessary to create a socio-psychological milieu of
mutual respect.
V. Make up a list of problems raised in the text.
Which one do you think to be of primary importance? Why?
VI. Make up a plan of the text.
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