Complete the texts (1-4) with the names of the corresponding inventions and discoveries: the television set, the personal computer, DNA, the washing machine, the automobile, the personal stereo, the mobile phone.
1. The structure of was deciphered in 1953, by Francis Crick and James Watson. In 1992, the first map of the human genome was produced in France, which would help scientists to treat some diseases that we inherit from our parents and grandparents.
2. was invented by a Scottish inventor John Logie Baird in 1926, and it was first demonstrated in Selfridges, a department store in London. It was built of old cans, bicycle parts, lenses, string and sealing max.
3. The first that was made for individual use was called Apple II, and it was launched in 1977 by Apple Computers. It was sealed in a plastic case: it had a keyboard, a video unit and removable floppy discs. It was sold for € 3800 in today's money.
4. The world's first practical four-wheeled that was powered by a gasoline engine was designed and built in 1885 by Karl Benz. But the first cars were mass produced by Henry Ford, after he introduced his Model T in 1910, which was the first affordable car.
1. The structure of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) was deciphered in 1953, by Francis Crick and James Watson. In 1992, the first map of the human genome was produced in France, which would help scientists to treat some diseases that we inherit from our parents and grandparents.
2. The television set was invented by a Scottish inventor John Logie Baird in 1926, and it was first demonstrated in Selfridge's, a department store in London. It was built of old cans, bicycle parts, lenses, string and sealing wax.
3. The first personal computer that was made for individual use was called Apple II, and it was launched in 1977 by Apple Computers. It was sealed in a plastic case: it had a keyboard, a video unit and removable floppy discs. It was sold for €3800 in today's money.
4. The world's first practical four-wheeled automobile that was powered by a gasoline engine was designed and built in 1885 by Karl Benz. But the first cars were mass produced by Henry Ford, after he introduced his Model T in 1910, which was the first affordable car.
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Перевод текстов:
1. Структура ДНК (дезоксирибонуклеиновой кислоты) была расшифрована в 1953 году Фрэнсисом Криком и Джеймсом Уотсоном. В 1992 году во Франции была составлена первая карта генома человека, которая поможет ученым лечить некоторые заболевания, которые мы наследуем от наших родителей, бабушек и дедушек.
2. Телевизор был изобретен шотландским изобретателем Джоном Логи Бэрдом в 1926 году и впервые был продемонстрирован в универмаге Selfridge's в Лондоне. Он (телевизор) был собран из старых консервных банок, велосипедных запчастей, линз, струн и замазки.
3. Первый персональный компьютер, предназначенный для индивидуального использования, назывался Apple II и был выпущен в 1977 году компанией Apple Computers. Он был заключен в пластиковый корпус: в нем были клавиатура, видеоблок и сменные дискеты. Он продавался за 3800 евро в сегодняшних деньгах.
4. Первый в мире практичный четырехколесный автомобиль с бензиновым двигателем был спроектирован и построен в 1885 году Карлом Бенцем. Но первые автомобили стали серийно производится Генри Фордом после того, как он представил свою модель T в 1910 году, которая была первым доступным автомобилем.