Предмет: Английский язык, автор: posele3814

Потрібно відповісти на питання: (бажанна повна відповідь) Is your health very good, good or poor?(потрібно ще пояснити чому твоє здоров'я хороше чи погане)


Автор ответа: bokijtimofej66



1 - Excellent (perceived health)

This category includes persons who rated their health as "excellent" or whose health was rated as "excellent" by someone knowledgeable about them. This is the most positive rating on the perceived health scale, a five-point scale ranging from "excellent" to "poor".

2 - Very good (perceived health)

This category includes persons who rated their health as "very good" or whose health was rated as "very good" by someone knowledgeable about them. This is one point on the perceived health scale, a five-point scale ranging from "excellent" to "poor". The rating "very good" comes between "excellent" and "good".

3 - Good (perceived health)

This category includes persons who rated their health as "good" or whose health was rated as "good" by someone knowledgeable about them. This is the midpoint on the perceived health scale which is a five-point scale ranging from "excellent" to "poor".

4 - Fair (perceived health)

This category includes persons who rated their health as "fair" or whose health was rated as "fair" by someone knowledgeable about them. This is one point on the perceived health scale, a five-point scale ranging from "excellent" to "poor". The rating "fair" comes between "good" and "poor".

5 - Poor (perceived health)

This category includes persons who rated their health as "poor" or whose health was rated as "poor" by someone knowledgeable about them. This is the most negative rating on the perceived health scale, a five-point scale ranging from "excellent" to "poor".

Автор ответа: mizzwqqq
1 - Excellent (perceived health)
This category includes persons who rated their health as "excellent" or whose health was rated as "excellent" by someone knowledgeable about them. This is the most positive rating on the perceived health scale, a five-point scale ranging from "excellent" to "poor"
2 - Very good (perceived health)
This category includes persons who rated their health as "very good" or whose health was rated as "very good" by someone knowledgeable about them. This is one point on the perceived health scale, a five-point scale ranging from "excellent" to "poor". The rating "very good" comes between "excellent" and "good"
3 - Good (perceived health)
This category includes persons who rated their health as "good" or whose health was rated as "good" by someone knowledgeable about them.
This is the midpoint on the perceived health scale which is a five-point scale ranging from "excellent" to "poor".
4 - Fair (perceived health)
This category includes persons who rated their health as "fair" or whose health was rated as "fair" by someone knowledgeable about them.
This is one point on the perceived health scale, a five-point scale ranging from "excellent" to "poor". The rating "fair" comes between "good" and "poor".
5 - Poor (perceived health)

This category includes persons who rated their health as "poor" or whose health was rated as "poor" by someone knowledgeable about them.
This is the most negative rating on the perceived health scale, a five-point scale ranging from "excellent" to "poor"
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