мені потрібно здавати до завтра, потрібно повна відповідь, інакше я буду не атестований, бажано на українському мові!
1. Match the words with translation:
to invent – винаходити;
an invention – винахід;
to design – проектувати;
a creator – творець;
a household word – загальновживане слово;
Diesel engine – двигун Дизеля;
a counter – лічильник;
Geiger counter – лічильник Гейгера;
to detect – виявляти;
Roentgen rays – рентгенівське проміння;
mysterious nature – таємнича природа;
a band – оркестр;
hardly ever – дуже рідко;
2. Fill in the correct word:
1) Rudolf Diesel invented the Diesel engine.
2) New inventions are appearing to make our life easier, longer, warmer.
3) Conrad Roentgen discovered Roentgen rays.
4) Geiger counters are used to detect the level of radioactivity.
5) Rudolf Diesel, Conrad Roentgen, Hans Wilhelm Geiger are famous inventors.
3. Work on the model:
1) Rudolf Diesel\the Diesel engine - Diesel invented Diesel engine - The Diesel engine was invited by Rudolf Diesel.
2) Marconi\the radio - Guillermo Marconi invented the radio - The radio was invited by Guillermo Marconi.
3) Alexander Bell\the telephone - Alexander Bell invented the telephone - The telephone was invited by Alexander Bell.
4) Adolf Sax\the saxophone - Adolf Sax invented the saxophone - The saxophone was invited by Adolf Sax.
5) Ladislao Biro\the ballpoint pen - Ladislao Biro invented the modern ballpoint pen - The modern ballpoint pen was invited by Ladislao Biro.
1. to invent-винаxодити
an invention-винаxiдник *взагалі, invention це винахід, але тут такого варіанту не має, тому я поставила те, що залишилось*
to design-проектувати
a creator-творець
a household word-3агальновживане слово
Diesel-двигун Дизеля
a counter-лічильник
Geiger counter-лічильник Гейгера
to detect-виявляти
Roentgen rays-рентгенівське промiння
mysterious nature-таємнича природа
a band-оркестр
2. invented
Roentgen rays
3. The Diesel engine was invented by Rudolf Diesel.
The radio was invented by Marconi.
The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell.
The saxophone was invented by Adolf Sax.
The ball-point pen was invented by Ladislao Biro.