пожалуйсто помогите хотябы с первым заданием!

1) My little brother likes apple juice very much. 2) I would like a cup of tea with milk and piece of cake, please. 3) Would you like some fish? - No, thank you. I don't like fish. 4) Molly like grapes very much. 5) What do you want to order? - I would like some fruit salad, please. 6) My sister and I like pizza but we don't like burgers.
1)- What do you want to buy?
- I think i will buy some meat and vegetables.
2)- What are you doing tonight?
- My friend asked me to help him with the project. I be going to visit him tonight.
3)- I want to invite you to my birthday party next Saturday.
- OK. I will come.
4)- It's very hot there.
- Well, I will open the window.
5)- You bought so many apples. Why?
- My mother be going to make an apple cake.
- Where are you doing, Jane?
- I'm hungry, so I am going to have a snack in the cafe.
- Can I join you?
- I'd be happy.
- What would you like to order, Jane?
- I would like to take ham sandwiches and some juice. I like juice very much.
- How many sandwiches do you want to take?
- I think I am going to order two sandwiches.
- How much juice you want?
- I think I am going to have a glass of juice.