Предмет: Информатика, автор: garripotter2322345t5

Написать программу, которая получает два целых числа A и B (0 < A < B) и выводит квадраты всех натуральных чисел в интервале от A до B.


Автор ответа: Аноним


Написать программу, которая получает два целых числа A и B (0 < A < B) и выводит квадраты всех натуральных чисел в интервале от A до B.

Решение (Python):

a = int( input("Введите число A: ") )

b = int( input("Введите число B: ") )

for i in range(a, b + 1):

   print("{0}² = {1}".format(i, i**2))


С помощью цикла for и функции range() проходимся по каждому натуральному числу в диапазоне от A до B включительно. Для каждого числа выводим его квадрат. Для вычисления квадратов чисел использован оператор возведения в степень (**).

Пример ввода:

Введите число A: 1

Введите число B: 5

Пример вывода:

1² = 1

2² = 4

3² = 9

4² = 16

5² = 25

garripotter2322345t5: Поможешь еще с одним кодом пожалуйстаа вот ссылка https://znanija.com/task/51685822?answeringSource=feedPublic%2FhomePage%2F7
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TEST - 1

21. This

my friend. A) are / His B) Is/ My

name's Richard. C) Is/His D) his/His

-Verb to be: am/is/are

-Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her Subject Pronouns - Plural nouns & Numbers

22. They Lisa and Max. They from the USA.

A) is / is

B) are / is C) are / are D) is / is

23. "What is

A) his

name?" "My name's Carlos."

B) her

C) your

D) my

1. A Hello, what

A) is

B) are

your name?

C) am

D) be

24. This is my sister. name is Laura.

A) His B) My C) Her D) Its


name is John. And my

A) Your/sumame C) I/sumame

is Johnson B) My/sumame D) 1/name


25. I have

A) an/His

name is David

C) a/His

B) a/Her


3. My name is Lisa.. A) My am B) is

Lisa Peterson.

C) I am

D) I 4. name is Apple. Ann Apple.

26. Hello! My

Maria. I

A) name is / from am

C) name is/ am from


B) is name/from am

D) name am/Is from

A) His / She B) His/He's C) Her / She's D) His/His 5. "Where John from?" from the US.


A) is / He's B) Is/His C) am/He's D) is / She's

27. Is Catherine A) he

B) you

C) your

D) yours

6. are you from? Japan. A) What B) Who

28. We A) are a students. B) is གླུ་ལ་ཉིན སྐ

C) are

D) am

C) Where

D) When

7. Where A) is/ from you ? B) are / In C) are / Is D) are / from

29. I student. A) Is/an B) am/

C) am / a

D) am/the


from Spain. I'm Rodriguez.

A) I'm 9. Pierre is a French boy..

B) He's

C) You're

30. She


A) are from B) is at

D) She's

C) is from

D) am from

A) He's/France from

C) His / France

B) His's/French D) He / France

31. He is A) a teacher. B) an


D) the

32. I live

a house

B) in /in

Los Angeles.

C) in /

A) */ in

D) at /in

10. Lisa and Max are Americans.

A) There

B) Their

from U.S.A.

C) They're D) Their re

33, is your phone number?" "It's 2229

11. "What their "Alexander and Phillip."

A) are/name B) is/name

A) Where B) How C) What

D) Who

C) Is/names

D) are / names

12. 1 22 years old, but Andrew 20. A) am/am B) are / am C) am/Is D) are / are

34. are you?" "I'm Alex." A) Which B) How C) What

D) Who

13. Mark

A) is/are

19, but Brian and Denis. 26 and 28.

B) are / is C) are / are D) am/ are


35. What's this


B) in

C) at

D) on

14. "What "It's

A) are/a this?" umbrella. B) is/a C) is/ an D) its/an

36. Champaigne is A) a French drink. B) the C) an


15. Oxford is. A) an

English university.

B) the


37. Oxford is A) a English university. B) an C) the



16. Toyotas: A) is a/car Japanese B) is/car C) are/cars D) is/cars

38. A Mercedes is German car. B) an A) a C) the


17. "What is "She is a bank manager." A) his job B)she job C) he job D) her job

39. English is International language.

A) a

B) an

C) the


40. Milan is A) a Italian city. B) an C) the


18. 0/2/11/18/20 Find the correct alternative.

A) oh/twelve/eighteen / twenty

B) zero / two/one-one/eighteen / twenty

C) zero / two / eleven / eighteen / twenty

D) zero / two / eleven/ eighty / twenty

41. A JVC is. A) a Japanese camera.. C) the B) an


42. I have two

A) sister B) sisters C) à sister D) sister's 43. It's A) a Spanish orange. C) the D)

19. "How old is your aunt?" is 29,"

A) She

B) He

C) She's

D) He's

B) an

20. "Where "She she from?" from Japan." B) is/is

A) are / is

C) is / am

D) are / are

44. It's. A) a

green apple. B) an

C) the


Elementary Test I

Book I Part A
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