П омогите пожалуйста с заданием

вот пример диалога:
A:: In my opinion, doctors should prescribe antibiotics as soon as possible, because it’s the easiest way to treat a disease and avoid unpleasant consequences.
B: Well, I beg to differ. I don’t think it’s a good idea to take antibiotics almost every time you’re ill.
A: Why do you think so?
B: As far as I know, scientists say that there’s a problem of antibiotic resistance, which means that they might stop working if you take them too often.
A: I didn’t know that. But what about cases when there’s a risk of complications? How can we tell when an illness is serious enough to take them?
B: Honestly, I’m not sure. Probably, if your doctor feels that a disease can be dangerous for you, they allow you to take antibiotics. And do you have any ideas?
A: Well, perhaps, doctors also prescribe them if you can infect others.
B: But why, aren’t almost all infections contagious?
A: I was talking more about things like skin problems, that are really unpleasant and quite hard to cure.
Надо разыграть диалог на тему здоровья на 2 минуты.
В диалоге надо:
выразить свое мнение (согласиться / не согласиться)
задать как минимум два вопроса и ответить на них
использовать вокабуляр по теме
объяснить свои ответ.