Предмет: Українська мова, автор: viktoriykruzhan

Перепишіть речення, правильно розставляюси паронімн на місці трьох крапок. 1. В години найтяжчих не опускаймо рук. 2. Уникаймо чвар i веселіше жити буде. 3. Коней на пасовиську щоб вони не розбіглися. 4. Люди, бувас, ... праведне з грішним. 5. Ходи лиш до мене до замку, 3 ... мiй замок ясний. (Леся Українка.) 6. фігурка була тонко вирiзьблена з димчастого кварцу. 7. Жили ми в старій хаті, долiвка ... була. (3. Мороз.) 8. куля обертається в міжзоряному просторі. (О.Довженко.) *** Слова для вставок: знегод, незгод, плутають, путають; кришталю, кристала; земна, земляна ​


Автор ответа: oDariao


1. Знегод. 2. Незгод. 3. Путають. 4. Плутають. 5. Кришталю. 6. Кристала. 7. Земляна. 8. Земна.


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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: fevziez17
Reading 9 Read the text. Match sentences A-E with gaps 1-5. One child families are they good for us? Have you got any brothers or sisters? Parents in China are excited about the news that now they can have more than one child. So how are family sizes different around the world? In Europe, the average family has two children. In Turkey, parents usually have three children. Most American families have two children. But the American actors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are famous for their very big family. They have three children and three other children from different countries. Zahara comes from Ethiopia, Pax comes from Vietnam and Maddox comes from Cambodia. - According to research, a sister or brother is an advantage. You can talk to your brother or sister when you are worried about your problems. You can learn lots of things from your siblings. And learning how to get on with each other can teach you life skills too. What about only children? They don't have brothers or sisters to learn from or share with. 4. People say that only children can't share and are not friendly. However, according to lots of studies, only children are no different from children with siblings. They learn to share in the classroom, or with cousins, step-brothers and step-sisters and their friends. 5 The answer is yes. Only children usually get on very well with their parents and they are very independent.
A Four out of five children in the USA have brothers or sisters.
B Many of the parents of only children worry about this.
C So do only children get benefits?
D Or are you an only child?
E They can teach you new facts.​