Предмет: Биология, автор: МакSимка

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Автор ответа: Gandzhubasik

растительность-> грибы->мушка грибная->землеройка->змея-гадюка->коршун или ястреб
растение (нектар) — мушка — стрекоза — лягушка — цапля или там змея опять же
Шишка елки->белка->куница
растительность корни->жук жужжалица-крот-лисица
растительность-тля-жук божья коровка-синица-коршун
Дерево - бактерии гниения - дождевые черви - кроты - рысь
растительность - антилопа - жук-навозник - скорпион - ящерица - сокол

Цветущая акация - бабочки - пауки - древесная ящерица - орел
Цветущая акация - козлы - ягуары
Растительность-муравьи-муравьиный лев-землеройки-совы
Растительность - бактерии гниения - черви - жужжелица - землеройка - сова степная
Растительность - заяц степной - волк степной

Автор ответа: LiaSa

Листовая подстилка - Дождевой червь - Черный дрозд -     Ястреб-перепелятник

Мертвое животное -Личинки падальных мух- Травяная лягушка - Обыкновенный уж 

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Exercise I. Analyse the given cases of metaphor from all sides mentioned above - semantics, originality, expressiveness, syntactic function, vividness and elaboration of the created image. Pay attention to the manner in which two objects (actions) are identified: with both named or only one - the metaphorized one – presented explicitly: 1. She looked down on Gopher Prairie. The snow stretching without break from street to devouring prairie beyond, wiped out the town's pretence of being a shelter. The houses were black specks on a white sheet. (S.L.) 2. And the skirts! What a sight were those skirts! They were nothing but vast decorated pyramids; on the summit of each was stuck the upper half of a princess. (A.B.) 3. I was staring directly in front of me, at the back of the driver's neck, which was a relief map of boil scars. (S.) 4. She was handsome in a rather leonine way. Where this girl was a lioness, the other was a panther - lithe and quick. (Ch.) 5. His voice was a dagger of corroded brass. (S.L.) 6. Wisdom has reference only to the past. T-he future remains for ever an infinite field for mistakes. You can't know beforehand. (D.H.L.) 7. He felt the first watery eggs of sweat moistening the palms of his hands. (W. S.) 8. At the last moment before the windy collapse of the day, I myself took the road down. (Jn. H.) 9. The man stood there in the middle of the street with the deserted dawnlit boulevard telescoping out behind him. (Т.Н.) 10. Leaving Daniel to his fate, she was conscious of joy springing in her heart. (A.B.) 11. He smelled the ever-beautiful smell of coffee imprisoned in the can. (J. St.) 12. We talked and talked and talked, easily, sympathetically, wedding her experience with my articulation. (Jn.B.) 13. "We need you so much here. It's a dear old town, but it's a rough diamond, and we need you for the polishing, and we're ever so humble...". (S.L.) 14. They walked along, two continents of experience and feeling, unable to communicate. (W.G.) 15. Geneva, mother of the Red Cross, hostess of humanitarian congresses for the civilizing of warfare! (J.R.)